Wednesday, March 31, 2010

That's it!

SO I have decided.... it is time for me to end my time on facebook. I'm doing this for a number of reason.

1: I feel like it takes up WAY too much of my time. I'm always on facebook checking everything out. It is the first thing I do when I get up and the last thing I do before I go to bed. I don't think that checking my facebook is more improtant than my family and I want to stop wasting my time.

2: Facebook seems to cause problems, even when not intended to cause problems, like saying something that is taken in the wrong context, and everything is so public (even if you have your privacy settings set to SUPER private).

3: I started facebook having over 350 friends and aquaintences, after Ethan was born I decided I would only have close friends and family, since I didn't want complete strangers on my facebook. I kept running in to all sorts of people i had deleted and people had mentioned that I had deleted them on facebook to friends. It was awkward. Now it seems like what used to be a kind of university aged group that used facebook has changed to a huge span from kids as young as like 9 to seniors. It has all gotten a little much for me, I have to watch what I say, and remember who I have on my friends list.

I love facebook for many reasons, it is an extremely easy and fast way to keep in touch with so many people, it is great way to keep my family updated on our life, uploading photos is so easy, and so much easier than sending photos in email format. And it wonderful to be able to check out and see what everyone eles is doing.

I think from now on i'm going back to my good old hotmail account. It has always treated me well and it will hopefully help me cut back on computer time and allow me to spend more time with my little guy and Kelly!

I'm not going to delete my account, I have so many photos and videos on there and it is an easy way to look at them in order. On my computer all my photos are scattered all over the place. I just don't think i'm going to communicate with anyone via facebook, so everything will be done through hotmail or our telus mail!

Wahoo..... I can do this!

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