Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm sorry for complaining...

This blog post will be compiled of a few letters to people/things that have been driving me bonkers for the last 12 hours.

Dear Yappy Dog at 11:00pm,
Yours Truly,

Dear mom lady across the hall,
I understand, sometimes it is tough to be a mom, exhausting, stressful etc. And I agree that the 'cry it out' method is very effective, HOWEVER, when your baby SCREAMS like someone is killing him/her for an hour and a half, they are NOT going to fall asleep, something eles is going on. If you haven't noticed already the walls in this building are quite thin, it is a beautiful day outside, rather than let your hooligan children ride bikes and run up and down the halls of our floor, take them outside!!! Thanks for waking up me, and both the babies.
Yours Truly,

Dear Elevator Manufacturer,
Do you really think it is smart to put the "Push for Help' button right at a childs level? ummmm, probably not. That is right, one of the kids pressed it, the phone rang, and we ran.
Yours Truly,

Dear Train People,
How about we co-ordinate one large 'train-run'. Oh i don't know, say around 5:00pm. Do all of your 'training' at once, be loud for a good hour and then shhhhhhh the rest of the time.
Yours Truly,

Dear Telus,
I would really appreicate my TV back, since we are paying for it. I'm tierd of spending my life on the phone with you jut to be hung up on. Just get our dang TV working!
Yours Truly,

Dear Canucks,
Please try winning.
Yours Truly,


Deaer My head,
Why do you tourment me so, How am I supposed to do anything when you around throbbing so. Please stop. Otherwise, I will not be able to do any more physical activity, which will inturn lead to a weight gain, I will have to abandon everything I do for the bed and hire a nanny to watch my own son.
Yours Truly,

Sorry for all the complaining, have to get it all out.

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