Sunday, June 27, 2010


What a day yesterday was! It was my birthday, I turned 27. Can you believe it? I'm that old? Sometimes I forget!

It was an awesome day I must say. I woke up early, only because for some strange reason I agreed to take a shift at the gym (I haven't worked in over three months and I agree to take a shift on my birthday). What is wrong with me. So anyways I got to work, and worked away for five hours. I was ALMOST inspired by all of the fit people coming in for their workouts. It ALMOST inspired me to eat healthy food and possibly try to get some more exercise. Like I said ALMOST inspired me.... Well lets say it did inspired me until I walked out the gym door and headed out for a birthday picnic (full of wonderous and not so healthy food).

Yesterday was the swap meet and usually Virginia, Maureen and I head out at 8:30 to be the first in line for the event. So you can understand my dissappointment when I remembered I not only had to work (BOO) but it was my BIRTHDAY and the SWAP meet, double dissappointment. SO I dragged Kelly and Ethan to the final hour of the swap meet. I bought nothing, kind of a let down but probably better I bought nothing than a bunch of junk that was left.

so FINALLY I get to go and celebrate my birthday! The plan was to meet at Devon Park (Right on the river, super pretty) for a picnic. Kelly was in charge of orgnaizing but I took over after a few people complained he didn't respond to their emails. it was just a small gathering, a few close and wonderful friends. We just played, ate, checked out the river, ate, then ate some more. It was so wonderful and relaxing. I was spoiled, Michelle and Atti bought me a great purse (wich a HUGE bag of jelly bellies inside). And Maureen and Virginia bought me a spa gift card! I have such a great friends.

Virginia and Richard didn't end up coming to the river, Poor little Caleb broke his LEG so they were in the hospital getting a cast put on. But we all went to their place after for MORE cake and Iced Tea (I can't get enough of that stuff lately).

It was a great day, I feel wonderful (even though I ate all that food). I realize how lucky I am to have such a great and loving family and have such great friends in my life. I realized that I'm only 27, it is still young, i'm having my second child in November, I still have many years in front of me to enjoy! I can't wait!

Now I'm awake, the cake (apparently I can't get cake out of my mind because I meant cat) is meowing out of control (as per usual). Ethan and Kelly are still asleep and I think I will make pancakse for Kelly and Ethan's breakfast!

DId I mention we only have 18 more days until we move outta this craphole and into our house?

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