Friday, September 17, 2010

Ethan takes on the Edmonton Corn Maze

Ethan playing in the hay. He wasn't too sure what to make of it at first, but he got into it!
Such a handsome little man!

Cute little pigs. I think Ethan's finger ended up in one of their snotty noses. Gross...

This little guy was so cute! He nibbled Ethan's finger a little.

Ethan entering the Corn Maze!

Caleb and Ethan playing in the hay!

Imagine the sound that goes with this picture!

In the middle of the Corn Maze, starting to lose it....

Ok I'm done.... Sits down right in the middle of the trail.

Caleb trying very hard to get on the bench. Ethan is filthy.

Caleb and Ethan finish the Corn Maze!

VERY intrigued with these cars!

Ethan and I had a wonderful day today. Caleb came over this morning, while Virginia headed into work for awhile. The kids played for a good hour until Brydie, Sabriel, Adam and Julie came over for a good playdate. The kids played great together! We had lunch and I put Ethan into his crib. Caleb didn't feel like sleeping so him and I tried to keep quiet downstairs until Virginia arrived.
Ethan didn't sleep for too long, but long enough for me to vaccuum half of the basmet, the vaccuum is still down there (and probably will stay down there until Kelly gets home), but it was
filthy! Ethan and I headed to 7-11 to pick up a package. Of course it wasn't there, has been misplaced, They suggested I drive to the Stony Plain post off ice and check there. Yup, not there. But it got us out of the house so I will look into this issue more indepth tomorrow. Someone at Canada Post may have to speak to me and I may not be happy! Anyways, we came home and made dinner.
We had plans to meet Virginia, Richard and Caleb at the Corn Maze at 6. We got there and played around until they got there. Ethan LOVED the animals. Kept calling the donkey a dog, but there were signs with Cows and Sheep on them and Ethan kept Mooooooing and BAAAAAAing. Smart boy! So thankful we got there when we did. By the time we made it out (we only did half) there were BUS loads (Seriously) of people waiting in this HUGE line to go in. And I say bus loads of people I mean bus loads of teenages (Barf). We saw (and smelt) a few of them in the maze. A few girls looked at Ethan and Caleb and said "Aww those little guys make me want to have kids". SERIOUSLY girl you are 15.... kind of scary. Then a group of young boys walked by, could have smelt them a mile away. SO much cologne. I am also not so sure about the way fashion is going these days.....
I chose to not bring the stroller through the maze, SO Ethan walked the entire time. he did PRETTY well... LOVED the mud and was pooped by the end. I was also sweating and very glad that we were only doing the first half and not the entire thing. After we struggled through the maze the boys were very intrigued with these little self propelled little cars they had. There was one broken one we put the boys on just for fun. SO many young punks came up to ask us if we were using it. "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE"? Of ocurse we are using it. The kidsa re sitting on the darn thing.... plus is it broken.....
Ethan is already asleep. I'm predicting a really good sleep after such great and busy day!

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