Friday, January 14, 2011

The Dentist

SO I will start by saying.... I LOVE my dentist, they are very friendly, nice, the TV's on the roof are wonderful as are the massaging chairs. But it seems that everytime I go to the dentist that it is never good news. I had four teeth pulled when I was 7 or 8, followed by braces for two years of my life (not to mention endless cavities). Last time I went to the destist (just after Ethan was born) I had 7 cavities refilled. I was in there at least five times in two months to have that done. Yesterday Kelly and I had desntist appointments. Kelly comes out of there with glowing teeth and nothing but praise of how great his teeth are. Not the same for me. About 15 years ago I had an appointment with a periodontist to get some work done on my gums. I have one gum in the front that is very low. At that point I was in grade ten and I wasn't interetesed in having skin removed from the top of my mouth and then put on the gums that were receeding. So I didnt. The reccommendation yesterday was that I get it done. The next thing they asked me was if I grind my teeth. I said no, they asked if my husband has ever heard me grind my teeth. Again I said no. I asked Kelly when on our way home if he has ever heard me grind my teeth. He said that infact yes! He has woken me up a few times hearing me do it. SO I couldn't sleep ALL night because I Was worried I was grinding my teeth. Now I thin I should get a mouth guard so that I don't have little stubby teeth. Ohhh I feel so old.
Both the dentist and the lady doing the teeth cleaning asked if I had brought Ethan in yet. We had an appointment on Monday but were snowed in. They said the first appointment was just to see if he would sit in the chair. I can tell them right now, the second we try to get him to lay in the chair and open his mouth he will start screaming. They also said we should be FLOSSING his teeth. Great... clearly neither of them have children (well the dentist did just have a baby six weeks ago). AS if Ethan is going to let me floss his teeth, Brushing his teeth is already a struggle. They did say that I should be using flouride toothpaste. I have been getting so many mixed reviews about whether or not to use flouride. SO I feel that I will start to do that, just a teeny amount.
I am completely battered an bruised from my fall. I have a bruise on my heel, a baseball sized bruise on my thigh, a GIANT black softball size bruise on my BUTT (this one I wasn't expecting) and a bruise on my elbow that I just discovered.
Now on a complete sidenote, DID anyone watch GREY's last night? I watched it with Kelly and he didn't seem to care at ALL that CALLIE and MARK are going to have a baby. WHAT the hell, that screws everything up. Can't they just let things chill for awhile. Mark and Lexie JUST got back together and I LIKE them together, now it will be completely messed up. I don't care for Arizona much but Mark and Lexie. What dolts. And seriously how does Bailey keep getting these hot guys? I don't get it..... Anyways I think I should have a girls night on Thursday because at the end of this show Kelly really didn't want to discuss anything with me, so I was really just talking to myself. Thankfully I have you Danika. And now it said Private Practise was supposed to be new but it was a scary Criminal Minds show and when I tried to find it on another channel it was that Off the Map show Encore!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man Les!! So many things to comment on for this blog. First: I too had the gums of a 90 year old, and a couple of years ago had the surgery (skin from the roof of my mouth and sewed to the bottom front). It was the weirdest thing, EVERYTHING hurt for about a week, so that sucked, but it's much nicer being able to eat whole apples again :) Second: I bet the only reason they want you to floss Ethan's teeth is to get him used to it for when he has his "Big Boy" teeth, but I wouldn't panic about it. Third: OH MY GOD! Grey's, I totally agree about Miranda, and Mark and Lexie are totally screwed now. After ALL the garbage they've gone through...sheesh.

    Okay, that is all . LOVE YOU!!!
