Monday, February 21, 2011


Well, yesterday was a very loooong day.

Ethan and I woke up around 8:30, we had a good breakfast, we didn't have plans for the day until 4. It was Ethan's best little buddie's birthday party. I was really looking forward to it, it was at Cafe-O-Play and I knew Ethan was going to have a hoot!

Wyatt had pneomina in December, after he was treated his cough went away for about a month. At the beginning of February his cough came back and I brought him back to the doctor. They did another Xray but everything came back negative. The doctor told me to just let him cough until he chokes and that was completely normal... yah sound pretty normal to let your poor child struggle until they can't breath and start choking. ANYWAYS, so his cough had been really bad the past three nights, but as the doctor instructed me I just let him cough. Ethan and I were playing with the blocks when Wyatt woke up. I headed in to get up, I brought him out to where Ethan was and layed him on the floor. I looked at him, his right eye was completely bloody (all of the whites in his eyes were bright red). So that scared me a little, then I was changing him and looked at his hands and feet. They were bright blue and freezing, this freaked me right out. I called my sister (a nurse) for some advice, well she was somewhat unhelpful (sorry Claire), both my parents and Virginia thought I should bring him in. I tried calling the healthlink number but they said their wait times were two hours (what a complelty useless system that is, not to mention that all they ever do is tell you to go into the hospital anyways). So that was that, we were off.

We got dressed an organized super quickly and headed out. I dropped Ethan off at Richard and Virgina's. I was so unorganized, I didn't have any diapers, snacks or anything to send along with Ethan. On the way to the hospital I told myself that if there were no cars in the Tim HOrton's drivethru that I would stop and pick up a tea and a snack. Sure enough, no cars, but I am SO thankful that I stopped, it was my only food all day!

So we get to the hospital at 10:30 and sign in, within the hour they had put us in a room, so here I am thinking that this is going to be a realitvely quick trip. I obvioulsy thought too soon, We were in our room for HOURS. Somewhere between our house and the hospital Wyatt developed an eye infection in his left eye, it was goobered shut and he couldn't even open it. Wyatt was so good at the hospital, he was probably over-joyed that he had all of my attention all day! But he wasn't doing well, both eyes were glued shut, both very red, he was bright red and hot (but no fever) and coughing like a mad man. After 3 hours in the hospital I thought i'd better change Wyatt, I looked for a daiper, i only had ONE left... this was a little frightening (I didn't even have any of Ethan's.) Usually Wyatt waits until I put a fresh diaper on to poop, so I waited until the very last minute to change him (the last minute meaning before the pee seeped through his clothes). I changed him, he didn't end up pooping but I had a plan, there were a stack of 'tena' pads on the shelf in our room, they were going to me my back up, as gross as that sounds.

So at 4:00 (5.5 hours after we got to the hostital). I'm feeling terrible because I have a very sick son and Richard and Virginia ended up having to take Ethan to the party. I was so annoyed that I was mising it! The lady across from me was talking to the nurse then she came and talked to me. She was complaining because she had been there for over an hour and hadn't seen a nurse. I wanted to freaking punch her. Look lady, we have been here for over 5 hours. You'd better settle in. She was being so rude to the nurses because she felt like her daughter should be on the top of it list. FINALLY at 4:45 the doctor came in. What a useless piece of junk doctor she was. She came in, Wyatt's right eye was an exploded blood vessle from coughing so hard, but she did confirm that he had an eye infection (obiouvsly). She said she thinks he may have pnemonia again but since he has already had two X-rays she wants me to watch him until Friday and see if there is any improvement, then just go to my doctor. So in my mind she just was too lazy to deal with the problem, because of course Wyatt sounded like he was going to die coughing again last night and I really don't want to listen to him suffer like that until Friday, just deal with the damn problem. Anyways so I asked her about his hands and feet. AGAIN the doctor was like, well it is problaby due to lack of oxygen from the cough, since it has only happened once, look for it again in the next couple days and if you see it again take him to your doctor. Unbelieveable. I waited 6.5 hours for a retarded doctor to just sluff us off to our regular doctor. The reason I was at the dumb hosptial was because I had already waited for Wyatt to cough and cough and it was only getting worse. Oh I was so angry.

Anyways we get out of there, it is 4:50, It takes half an hour to get to the birthday party, I had to stop and get some diapers, then we floored it. I got there at 5:35 (ended at 6:00). But I was happy I got just a little bit of time there. The birthday boy, Caleb, looked like he had a pretty good time and everyone keeps reassuring me that Ehtan was very good. Which i'm sure he was! I was walking around with Wyatt, he was coughing and hacking away, his eyes couldn't even open and he nose was running, I think a few people were looking at me like 'take that sick child away from my kids'. And I understand, but I wanted to be at the party so badly.

We went for dinner after, Ethan was so good, the place was packed, by the time my food came, Ethan was long finished his and was getting restless. Wyatt of course had a giant poop, I sprang up and headed to the bathroom to change him. When I got him all undressed (and yes it was a breach, i had no change of clothes). I realized that I forgot his wipes on the table, TOILET paper it is. So I get him all cleaned up, head back to the table, Ethan has taken off his boots and socks. I stuff my sandwich into my mouth then immediately start packing up. The place was so loud no one could really talk to each other, and I was just ready to go home and relax.

Thankfully I got every single green light on the way home. I had 16 missed called on the phone, my parents left a message for evey one of their 8 calls. So I had some phoning to do, I called just a few people and put the kids to bed. I jumped in the shower, I was determined to watch the first Amazing Race I had taped. It was excellent! I started watching 'Undercover Boss' but my head was bobbing to sleep. I headed to bed, my dear Ethan left his waterbottle on my bed, big wet spot, Fabian was already curled up on the bed so I just got in, found a dry place and fell asleep!

Wyatt coughed badly again last night, I put huge socks on his hands to try to keep them warm, he woke up three times crying from coughing, I just feel so bad, I go in there, his eyes are glued shut, but he has tears coming out of them, he can't stop coughing. So we will see if it gets better by Friday...

Here is to hoping for a very relaxing Monday!

1 comment:

  1. OOO man what a horrible story, poor little Wyatt! Geez that doctor does seem completely useless! Awww I really hope things get better for you three.
    Sending my love!
