This past week has been a crazy one for the Roger's family!
We got home so late on Tuesday night, Wednesday we had a doctors appointment bright and early. Ethan's one year exam. Doctor said he is doing great, he is in the 75th Percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height. Typical Rogers, just like his daddy!
On Wednesday we also got the call saying that we have SOLD the condo and we had to be out in TWO weeks. So that meant a frantic search for a decent place to live for a couple months until the house is finished. The first place we looked at was DODGY (to say the least). But it was the only place we could find so I was preparing myself to live in the Ghettttttoooo.. Luckily on a drive around the town we found a great new place that lets us rent month-to-month. So it is perfect.... AND get this, it is on the railway track! I love trains!!
Kelly's family arrived on Thurdsay night. His Dad, Lilian and Aunt Gwenda all came out for a week. They all stay with Kelly's cousin who lives out here. Perfect timing as they are great movers!
On Friday we went out to Kelly's cousins for dinner, my sister, Jake and Charlie (their new kitten) arrived later on that night. Here for Ethan's big birthday party. So it was a cramped little condo, four people, one baby and two cats. But it was cozy and fun!
Saturday, the day of the big Construction Party. I'd say it was a success, Ethan of course was spoilt and all the kidlets had a hoot! That night we went for dinner to Chilis with Jake and Claire.
Sunday, not too much, lots of packing, until the evening when I expereince the ULTIMATE migraine. I was awake all night, throwing up, suffering with THROBBING pain. Luckily Kelly's family was here, in the morning, (when I was still awake) I got Kelly to call his dad to come over. So it was wonderful, Greg came over at 7 and woke up with Ethan so I could TRY to get some sleep. I only slept until about 10:30. I was supposed to have the day with Michelle (who was only here for a short period of time) but I could hardly walk. So I missed her.
Unfortunately I had to walk enough to the bank to get all the money and secure out place at the new condo building. So once i had the keys the moving began! Gregn, Lil, Roger, Gwenda and Kelly moved everything except the beds and the TV. (The power wasn't going to be on until Thursday and the cable not until Saturday... I can't miss my shows).
Monday was the West Edmonton Mall, I bought nothing but still nice to be out and about. I was starting to feel sick by the end of the day, had to come home and relaaaax.....
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, all a blur, time is just flying by. We moving all the rest of our junk tonight and tomorrow and we hope to be out of this place by saturday afternoon (hopefully Telus actaully comes tomorrow)...
PHEW.... Hopefully May will be a slower month, June is busy again already!!!