Sunday, February 28, 2010


Would you Like Fries with that?

It was Atti's birthday last night, so Kelly, Ethan and I went for dinner with him, his sister and Michelle. We went to 'Delux Burger'. Just has the name suggest it is kind of a gormet burger place. So we got al settled at our table, fed Ethan some food and looked through the menu. I think Michelle and Atti were trying to decide on an appetizer, i convinced them to get the 'shrimp basket', (DEEP FRIED SHRIP). So this began our deep friend night. The shrimp came, they were delicious! We ordered our burgers, i got the 'classic' burger and just to be healthy i got it on a whole wheat bun! haha. The waiter asked us if we wanted some fries, We said yes, then he mentioned onion rings, I haven't had onion rings in FOREVER, Kelly and I looked at each other and both agreed we'd better get some onion rings. So the burgers came, they were delicious, the fries came, also very delicious, and the onion rings came, SO delicious. FINALLY we think the dinner is over, I"m full but of course still picking away at all of the left overs, The waiter comes out with a bowl of COTTON CANDY! Another delicious treat I haven't had in ages, so I wolf that down. We get in the car to drive home, of course I chose to wear the tightest clothes I OWN and i'm feeling like CRAP! We get back to Michelle and Atti's, I knew it was coming, it was time to decorate our cupcakes for Atti's cake! Michelle didn't do one and if I had the willlpower perhaps I would have done the same thing, HOWEVER, I coated my cupcake with a huge amount of icing and goodies and scarfed it down.DELICIOUS!

So today is my day for WILLPOWER, a RUN and HEALTHY FOOD. We'll see how that goes!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Ethan's new favorite toy... TOILET PAPER, he likes to unroll the roll. This morning when I looked over he had unrolled three metres of the stuff, then he rips it off and enjoys a good bite of it. Strange little boy!

We drove by our place last night, we offically have a second floor! It is really neat to watch the house take shape, I'm already thinking about all of the furniture that we will need to funish the palce!

Big hockey game tomorrow, GO CANADA GO! We just heard on the news that there is a Tsunami warning for the BC coast, that is a little frightening! I guess I can say that i'm happy to be here in cozy warm ALBERTA!

We went for a family run yetserday, I'm hoping we can do that daily!

Ethan is not a happy camper right now, that all for now!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Walls are up!

We drove by our house last night, the ENTIRE first floor has been framed! The framers are so fast, it all went up in about 5 hours! So I'm hoping that when we drive by today we will have two floors on our house. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the house was finished before it was supposed to be!

Kelly came home on Tuesday night, he is home for TWO months! This is going to be wonderful, although I think my shopping habits are going to have to take a break. Already Ive taken advantage of Kelly being home. Last night i worked a shift at the gym and tonight is dinner and a movie with the girls! YAHOOOOO!!

Today we are officially going to change my name... I have mixed emotions about this, but since we are doing all this legal stuff it is pressuring me to do it faster. Leslie Rogers, or Leslie Quilter Rogers... I can't kick the Quilter, it is such a good name!

It is a big day for Canada today! The women's hockey team is taking on the USA and i'm pretty sure we are going to kill them! Then the finals of womens figure skating is on! I love figure skating!

It is SO beautiful outside! FAR over zero degrees, the snow is melting and it feels like spring is in the air!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I am SO sick of annoying and arrogant Alberta drivers

I was driving home this afternoon and was stopped at the STOPLINE for a red light, I had planned on turning LEFT but this dumb jerk behind me wanted me to turn right so he could go, so he freaking just layed on the horn over and over, so i was pissed off, so I thought FINE i'll just turn to make your SHUT UP, so i moved forward to turn right, there were LOTS of cars coming and it was UNSAFE for me to turn, so (seeing as I have my son in the backseat) i was waiting until it was safe, NOT good enough for the loser in the blue truck, he started HONKING again. SO I took the high road, turned around fingered him, screeched my tires and took off. Hopefully he gets to where he is going without causing an accident!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oh Canada....

Well gotta say that game was kind of let down, so much so that I fell asleep with five minutes left.... Hopefully the women can bring us home the gold!

I'm completely drained, I have no energy, can't figure out what my issue is. Ethan and I have had a great past two days, Yesterday we went to a 'hockey' themed birthday party, it was so cute, all the little guys had their jersey's on. We went out for dinner and watched a movie at Richard and Virginia's. This morning we met Michelle for breakfast, did a little shopping (and i bought NOTHiNG!) then went for a great walk... Did I mention it was so beautiful sunny here and only 0 degrees! Sping is in the air!

SO in the past week I have been to ALL three Home Sense store in Edmonton, I LOVE THAT place! So many neat things for everyone, I can't WAIT to decorate our new home (which by the way should be starting to be framed TOMORROW). I've driven by everyday so i'm sure tomorrow will be no different.

Kelly comes home on Tuesday night for TWO months. I'm so excited to have some help. I think I do a pretty good job, but sometimes I just need a few minutes to myself... Plus its nice to be a family, not sit on the stool in front of Ethan to eat my perogie dinner, and when Kelly's home I can watch all the good shows that are to scary for me to watch when he's away!

Ethan is alseep, i've snuck in here to quietly check my email, we have 'books for babies' tomorrow at the Stony Plain Library, I'm hoping we can walk!

Last night the phone rang at12:15am. It was Lex, it was SO great to talk to her and hear all about her wedding! I can't wait to see the pictures. I love our conversations, never any awkwardness, we always just pick up from where we left off during our last visit. I'm SO excited for her, i just wish I could be there, pretty sure Ethan would be the perfect ring bearer :)

AMAZING Race tonight!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Dear Fabian,

Let me start with all of your positive attributes, You are very sweet and a great snuggler, you are a wonderful friend and you keep me company when I am lonely. I can honestly say I would miss you if you were gone.


Last night at 11:00 you meowed for half an hour straight, I thought perhaps you were just antsy and needed a good meow, but then you didn't stop. FINALLY i pulled myself from my nice cozy warm bed to feed you... finally you were happy, for s a short while. What you need to understand is that now that Ethan is here, you are second fiddle. When you walk in front of my feet and claw at my legs and pants, it doesn't make me feed you faster, infact, it makes me want to kick you (but don't worry I never will).

Your fur is EVERYwhere and you claw our couch, NEWSFLASH Fabian, our life doesn't revolve around you, we've moved on.

Ethan is too little to understand not to poke you, to him you are a big fluffly stuffed animal, if you could just walk away when you see him coming rather than waiting and swatting him, that would be greatly appreciated!

Now I know you don't understand these words, you are just a cat, but if you don't clean your act up, Daddy-cat Kelly may make you leave the homestead for good, which would sadden me deeply.

Love Mother Cat Leslie

Friday, February 19, 2010

The walls are caving in...

My first blog, I thought i'd give this a try, See if I can do it everyday, infact I think I will enjoy this, I always wish I could write in a journal everyday, but of course that starts and ends quickly. Hopefully I can keep this up, I think it will be neat to go back and read in the future!

So today is FRIDAY (not that it matters to me, I don't work)...we have a great day planned, lunch and swimming with friends and the Aunty Michelle is coming for a sleepover!

Today my little rooster woke up at about 7:40, I have an unwritten rule in my house that I will not get up before 8:00am, so I can hear Ethan playing in his crib, talking to himself for 20 minutes until i'm ready to drag myself out of bed to go and get him. About a month ago he has learned to stand up in his crib, I love going into his room and have him standing, smiling and waiting for me! So cute. Our overnight issue right now is finding a diaper that lasts all night and doesn't result in a soaking wet baby in the morning, so far we have tried every diaper, every size and nothing... I'm tempted to do two, a small one then a larger on one top...not too sure how comfortable that would be.

Our condo has treated us so well, but now that Ethan is a mover it is more of a deadly jungle than a warm and cozy house. Ethan is everywhere, i turn my head one way and he's over by the catbox, next thing you know he's checking out the toilet, or the blender on the bottom shelf. Our biggest issue is that big fluffly white cat who does NOT like Ethan bugging him. Fabian could soon be on a flight to Courtenay to see his friend Kit the cat at the Quilter's house.

Ethan and I drive by our new house daily to check out the progess, it will be SO lovely to have a big house where Ethan can run around and I won't be worried about everything!

Well I feel like I could go on forever but Ethan and I are off to take the bottles back, not sure what we will spend our earnings on!