Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ok SERIOUSLY where did this kid come from, certainly he must be from some other planet because he is really not a normal human. I am currently taking a time out from Wyatt, he is in his crib screaming, I have three doors shut between us and can still hear him. If only we had sound proof walls.

Alright, please keep in mind that I am at my PEAK frusteration level at the moment. Catch me in an hour and I'll be over it. Wyatt has his good days and his bad. Take for example yesterday, he sat on his blanket for probably three hours and played with toys, I hardly even knew he was there. But when he is on an 'off' day he is out of control. The other day I was in Home Sense, He was SCREAMING his brains out (like the death cry). He was fed, dry diaper, all that good stuff was taken care of. He was just screaming. So I continued around shopping, doing my best to ignore him. At one point a lady came up behind me and said 'Is he sick, can I help you?'. I wanted to turn around punch her right in the nose, but when I turned around it was this very sweet little old lady, so instead I replied politely that this infact is just what he is like.

This morning he woke up at 6, fed him, changed him, again did all that good stuff, put him down on the blanket so I could get dressed and get ready for the day. He gave me about 5 minutes before he started his death cry. I was annoyed but thought he may still be a bit hungry. I fed him again, put him back down, instant death cry. I can now hear Ethan in his crib (and usually Ethan doesn't get up until around 8). I was in the middle of getting dressed, I was really only going to be about 4 more minutes but he just kept crying, finally, since i knew if I had to listen to him for 2 more second I was going to break down and cry, I picked him up and put him in his crib. Shut his door, my door and the bathroom door. I could STILL hear him. Finally I just turned on the water, ahhhhhhh sooo much better.

We had a pediatricians appointment last week just to see how his puffers were working etc. So I thought I would ask about the death cry. I mean come on, for a little thing to make such bigs noises and so often that can't be normal, right? Well the doctor said it was his 'temperment'. Oh great. He said I"m just not responding to his needs fast enough. Give me a BREAK, so this will just be how it is, If I for some horrible reason have to do something with Ethan or myself before I can tend to Wyatt I will have to put up with the worlds most annoying cry. (ohh I wonder if there is a competition and prize for worlds most annoying cry, we'd win!). Can't wait for Kelly to get home....can't wait for Kelly to get home....Can't wait for Kelly to get home................

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another Chapter in the 'Poop' chronicles

Just a quick one tonight, and I must remind you, if you can't handle poop I suggest you stop reading.

Ethan has a bath every other night when Kelly is away. Tonight was 'bath' night. (I don't like bath night, i'd much rather just throw them both in bed quickly). Now I bet your thinking 'Oh Ethan pooped in the tub, big deal, that has happened to me'. That is not what happened on this poopy night. Ethan generally poops one time a day, usually around 10am. I usually take his diaper off in the bathroom and just throw it in the trash can (because it is usually just pee). As I was taking off his diaper tonight he said 'Poop'. Before I had a chance to quickly put the diaper back on and take him to the change table.....


Large ball of poop splattered on the floor, freaking disgusting, Ethan took off giggling with a big poopy butt, Man I didn't know which way to go, chase the poopy butt boy or clean the splattered floor so the cat didn't step in it (Fabian usually sits on the side of the bath while Ethan baths so he was in there). I chose to chase Ethan. After I got him cleaned up I cleaned up the bathroom.

I will from now on, take Ethan to the change table to change him before bath.

Now for those of you who are quietly saying in your minds 'Ethan is 2, shouldn't he be starting potty training'? Thanks for your secret thought, we are working on it, Ethan though is not ready, I am his mom I know what is happening, he will do it when he is ready. :) Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pros and Cons of BC

Ethan pushed this shopping cart up and down the driveway all day long, every day!

Wyatt has mastered sitting!

He is saying 'Cheese' but he is not smiling!

In the car on the way to Campbell River.

Nymph Falls

Beautiful wedding! Congratulations Danika and Darren!

Caleb and Ethan are finally reunited after 6 days apart. The entire time we were away Ethan kept saying 'Tia (Caleb) Hug'. This is Ethan pointing at Caleb's car when they showed up at the park!

After a wonderful trip to BC, our plane landed on the rainy Edmonton runway. The entire time I was away I had so many emotions about where I want to live. There are SO many pros and cons to both places.

What I love about BC:

- It is GREEN, GREEEEEEN and beautiful! Cherry blossoms everywhere, it smelt like SPRING, Ethan could play outside everyday all day, pretty much 365 days a year. Ethan was outside the entire trip. LOVED every minute of it!

-Granny and Grandad! Ethan is in love with his Granny and the same goes for Granny in love with Ethan. I don't think Ethan asked for me once the entire trip. Granny was the star of the show! I had the best break ever. Between Kell, my Mom and Dad I hardly did a thing all week. It was great! That being said I really like that seeing the Grandparents is a 'treat' for the kids. If they saw them everyday they may not be as excited about it.

-SO many things to do. The options are endless... beaches, hikes, shopping, day-trips. I mean you really can do everything in Courtenay.

-I could be 'fit' again. I mean I can be active here but it is more like work here. What I miss MOST about highschool is the team sports. I played women's soccer for years after I graduated but once I moved here I was not able to (with the kids, no babysitter and the fact that the team in Spruce Grove is a Div one teamm... I am not a Div one player). I ran into some ladies at the park while we were in Courtenay. They were both very active and it reall yjust made me want to move back and join the soccer and field hockey teams in the valley.

**HST stinks**

What I love about Alberta:

-Our Friends. I have so many amazing friends in BC, this does not discount you, because I love you! The friends I've met in Alberta have become my support system! I don't know what I would do without them!

-Ethan's friends. Ethan has so many little friends out here, just the thought of leaving and Ethan leaving his friends makes me sad.

-Our house. We just built a wonderful house, already so many memories have been made in this house and I want to continue to build them.

-Living here makes trips to BC more special. It is always so nice to visit BC but I always look forward to coming home.

-I like living in our own little Alberta world, it is kind of nice being a little further away, starting our own life out here.

-The hospital - Both my boys were born in Edmonton. I want one more baby and I want that baby to be born here as well. I am probably crazy but I feel safer having a C-section in Edmonton than i do in Courtenay :)

**I will not miss the mosquitos in this darn town. Was almost eaten alive this afternoon at the park.

I've looked at a few houses online in Courtenay. I had found one that I loved but it was sold. I think that once our yard is complete this place will be more desirerable. For right now I feel like our home is in Alberta. Eventually we may end up back in BC but for right now we will enjoy Alberta. I think I just most of all love being around my family and just love the beauty of BC. The daily rain I could probably do without :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Plane Ride to BC

AIRPLANES.... Didn't stop saying 'airplane, Gran house' the entire time at the airport.

Mr Muscles lifting his suitase up to the chair.

Wandering around the airport with his suitcase. He was a hit at the airport, I could hear people whispering as he went by how cute he was.

Here he is, Ethan on the plane in his very own seat!

I was VERY nervous about taking both boys on the plane by myself. Of course now that Ethan is two he needed to have his own seat. I didn't know if he would sit in his own seat, I thought he would be up and down, running about the plane. So the night before we left we went to Walmart and spent a bajillion dollars of things to fill up his suitcase. We bought a special Thomas, stickers, crayons, paper, more stickers, cars, fruit snacks. ANYTHING I could think of that would keep his attention. I put everything in his special Thomas suitcase. In the morning I grabbed his favorite blanket and stuck it in there too.

I had the house cleaned, the bags were in the car and we were ready to go. I brought the double stroller, I thought the boys would both sit in there at the airport, I thought it would be a good way to keep Ethan contained.

We arrive at the airport, had to park in the furthest away parking spot EVER. The mosquitos were SO bad (OH MY GOSH I HATE MOSQUITOS). They were buzzing every which way. Then the guy driving the parking lot bus came to give us a ride. I had never used this bus service (I usually walk) but at that point with all the dang bugs and all of my junk I said ok. Ethan of course was very excited to be going on a 'green bus'. ^The guy did everything for me (Which was great). Loaded and unloaded everthing!

I had everything all sorted out, I tried to put Ethan in the stroller with Wyatt, but then he spotted his Thomas suitcase and that was it, he had to pull it. So I thought 'ok this might work'. He took off like a flash to the turning door (You know the big ones that go around and round.). He zipped in before me and my giant stroller didn't make it, crash, at least the doors stop when there is something in the way. After we finally made it through the door we got in line to get our ticket. To my surprise Ethan was being a star. He was busy pulling his suitcase and actaully listening to me.

There was a huge line at security, I didn't know if Ethan would enjoy this, but they saw us coming and zipped us right to the front. Secrutiy was our biggest problem of the day (well until the plane). The security guy had to take the Thomas suitcase from Ethan to put it through the screener. Ethan had a MAJOR meltdown, screaming 'THOMAS' at the top of his lungs in the middle of the security area. EVERYONE was looking at us, they all felt bad for Ethan when they realized that his toy was going through the screener. It was quite funny, most people were laughing. Ethan spotted his suitcase on the other side of the screener and sprinted through the metal detectors to collect it. We were all good from there!. I didn't go too early so we didn't have too much time to waste. Ethan had a ball playing on the jungle gym. We also got a couple Timbits for the flight.

Time to get on the plane. Ethan sprinted down the ramp to the plane but stopped immediately when he had to take the step onto the plane. I think he was a little nervous, I took his hand a lead him to our seat. I buckled him in and gave him a snack. Everything was good. Then a big man sat down beside us. Usually WEstjet is good about leaving those seats open. I suggested that he move. He did :).

We took off, things were going great. I kept pulling things out of the suitcase, Ethan was a happy camper. Wyatt had fallen asleep. Heck this is EASY. Then Ethan decided to hit Wyatt, not totally sure if it was on purpose or accidental, but Wyatt started screaming. And he screamed and screamed and screamed for the rest of the flight. The lady in front of me turned around and suggested I feed him... Thanks lady, didn't think of that you moron, Wyatt wouldn't eat, I had already tried numerous times. Thankfully there were only about 20 minutes left in the flight (Wyatt screamed all tweny of those long minutes).

We landed. Ethan was as good as gold. Wyatt had finally calmed down and we were all set to meet Granny. The guy who was sitting beside us came to get his items from the overhead bin. I looked at him and said 'Aren't you glad you moved'. His reply 'I could still hear him'. What a jerk.

Anyways we made it and it really wasn't as bad as I had thought. I was more worried about Ethan freaking out but he was great, it was Wyatt who had the trouble. I'm sure it was his ears but once we were off I didn't care anymore. That being said I will be giving Wyatt to Kelly on the way home :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Great Day!

It is fading but this is my note in front of our door. It reads Ìf you are selling something we are NOT interested, Please do NOT knock`. Yet people still knock....

Ethan is so crafty. He sat here and played with his new stamps and glitter paint for an hour yesterday!

Enjoying the ride!

This kid needs a haircut!

Wyatt not really enjoying himself, the blankets were blowing up all around him.

Time for a snack.

Wyatt LOVES the swing!

Today was an awesome day. I woke up early with Wyatt (really we had been up all night for some reason...not totally sure what Wyatt is up to these day...terrible sleeping habits). Anyways the plan was to go out to Wabamun for a few hours. Even though we were up at 6 it seemed like a rush to get out the door. Anyways we made it out of the house around 10, stopped for a tea and headed off. It was a beautiful day out, very sunny and it was supposed to reach 23 degrees. It was windy when we left but I had shorts on both the boys, must soak up summer as much as we can.

When we arrived and hopped out of the car we realized that it wasn't just a little bit windy it was like we were in a hurricane. But that wasn't going to stop me, we had driven all that way and we were going to stay and play. We headed over to the playground and set up camp. Maureen and her boys joined us. Ethan didn't seem too bothered by the wind, I just couldn't put Wyatt down, he is just learning the sit and the wind was pushing him over. We ended up staying for probably two hours before we headed home. Ethan was SO happy to be out of the house, he had a great time! I think we will be spending many days there this summer!

We headed home around 1, Ethan was falling asleep in the car but I was having NO part in that. I sang and chatted to him the whole way home so he would actaully have a nap when we got home. My newest 'stay awake' technique is to roll down his window beside him, wakes him up everytime!

Both of the boys slept for a couple hours, I did some cleaning. I booked our entire family a trip back to Courtenay for a week (we leave on Tuesday) so I now have a HUGE 'to do' list before we leave. It is going to be one CRAZY flight. I am flying home with BOTH boys by myself... I think i'm crazy! Kelly comes the next day. Anyways.

When the boys woke up we headed across the street for a walk and Ethan really wanted to use his sidewalk chalk. We made it over and lasted about 5 minutes before we realized that it was far to windy to be outside, so we headed home and lounged around until dinner, bath and bed!!

I am exhasuted, I am going to bed and I have NEVER been to sleep this early in ages... We are supposed to head into the River Valley for a run tomorrow with Michelle and Cohan. If this wind keeps up my double bob is more like a parachute and is impossible to push, we may have think of another plan!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Good and the Bad

Nothing beats a good bagel and some water. Ethan does this face where his puts his bottom jaw out , drives Kelly and I crazy, very mush dislike this look!
Two brothers swinging!
Sitting boy!

As usual we have been busy, today we had a 'Little Peanut' meet so we have been busy getting everything all organized. Yesterday morning I took the kids into the city, I decided i'd better do some shopping since the weather is getting warm and my one pair of jeans is too hot. I thought I was prepared, Kids seemed happy, everything was going well, but at some point when I walked into Rw and Co something clicked in both my kids brains that told them they did NOT want to be there. I had a HUGE stack of clothes to try on, Ethan was crying...tears and snot included. Wyatt wasn't crying he was screaming the death scream, tears STREAMING down his face (This is just his norm though). I continued trying on, they were fed, nothing was wrong besides the fact that they were bored and tired of being in the stroller. I kept trying on clothes trying on clothes, the kids were screaming, everything I was trying on was too tight, I was on the verge of tears in the change room. I was SICK of my kids and I am STILL not happy with my body. FANTASTIC. I bought nothing and steamed out of the store. (or as Thomas would say 'I Chuffed off'). The past two days have been incredibly windy, so windy that our garbage cans are falling over and really just not pleasant to be outside (Even though it was 24 degrees yesterday). THANKFULLY both of the kids fell asleep for three hours yesterday afternoon and I got to relax for awhile. I really haven't NOT had a break from my kids for over two years. That being said I started crying in the Van today just thinking about leaving Ethan for three days next weekend!

Today my kids were amazing. We got up early (As is the usual now, kids are getting up when the sun rises now). Headed of to Tim's for a bagel (he is off Timbits) then we headed to the South Common for our meet! The kids were happy as can be playing and laughing in the car while we distributed all of our items! Went to Old Navy after to do so shopping (Oprah had a coupon from the show the day before) so I went crazy, three pairs of shorts, four tops and something else...can't remember. I feel a little bit better about my clothing situation. We came home and did lunch. Today the wind has stopped but the Mosquitoes have arrived. There is NOTHING i hate more than mosquitoes (well besides snakes and bad guys). I just can't handle being outside with them around and I can't even imagine what it would be like if either of the kids got a bite. One the kids were up from nap Wyatt jumped and Ethan had a very artsy afternoon. I bought him some new stamps and some sparkle brushes (that only work on special paper...no mess). He sat quietly working on that for an hour. Then I brought out his playdough, and again he played with that for another hour! I was very impressed!

I told myself I would clean out my cupboard tonight (can't even see the floor) but the second the kids went to sleep I again found myself in the big green chair doing nothing....and LOVING it! I'm going to take Ethan for a good run outside, i'm going to bring the mosquito net for the stroller, might even consider walking around with a big bug repellent torch!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alright, I will admit it, I am totally, completely 100% addicted to online consignment shopping. I just can't get enough. Not only am I shopping but now we have our Little Peanut business up and running, so while i'm working on things for Little Peanut something great pops up from another consignment shop and I have to snag it! This is trouble, but then if I was buying all the clothes I buy my boys new we would be broke, living on the streets (but very well dressed).

Ok so since i'm talking about addiction., My second addiction is Tim Hortons Steeped Tea. I know i've mentioned this before but that was before I went crazy, that was before I woke up at 6:30 yesterday morning, Wyatt was awake so I put him in his carseat and we went to Tim Hortons. I also am getting headaches now when I don't have my freaking tea. I have a system (so i'm not buying two teas a day). I get a Tim Horton's tea in the morning and make my own before bed. I just can't seem to match the GOODNESS that Tim Horton's has. I mean their tea is 'steeped' to perfection! I think it is sad that my ideal gift is a Tim Horton's gift card :)

And one more thing. On our front porch I have written in sidewalk chalk "If you are selling something, we are not intersted, Please do not knock'. Now tell me, if you were a sales person would this detour you? If it was me and I was selling something completely useless and stupid I would read the note and walk away. But seriously, at least once a night some fool knocks on our door attempting to sell us something! Read the dang sign! NOT INTERESTED. Everyday I come home and people have crammed their cards and pamphlets in my door. I mean I understnad that this is their job/business, but take the hint!

It is a windstorm outside, last week there was a windstorm and a large chunk of siding fell off. The company fixed it but they said they would only fix it if the wind was under a certain speed. Thankfully last week it was but i'm hoping this time the siding stays on because this wind is incredible!

Must go to sleep!

(Sorry if this doesn't make sense, i'm exhausted... phew)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wyatt has ALMOST mastered sitting! He will sit for quite sometime before he falls!


Well I don't have too much report. Kelly is home and as usual we have been very busy! I have been sick for the past two days, sore throat and today my voice was taken from me. I was just saying to Kelly that we are going to be very busy for the next four months. We pretty much have every weekend booked up until September! That is the way I like it, Kelly not so much. The weather hasn't been fantastic, it has been raining today, which delays the landscaping getting done. We had to be creative for dinner tonight, haven't gone grocery shopping for awhile. I had a package of alfredo sause and a few veggies. Then discovered the only past we had was lasagnua noodles. SO I just broke them all up and cooked them. Didn't look good but it tasted fine! We are just watching the hockey game, Ethan of course doesn't let me do anyhting when Kelly is home (Which is great for me) but Kelly is watching the game so he won't brush Ethan's teeth yet, so Ethan is still looming around.

Little Peanut is getting busy, we have been very busy uploading and selling! It is a lot of work but we are both enjoying ourselves so hope that keeps up! OK back to the game!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Highchairs and Bumbos

A few pictures from the past few days....

Wyatt in his highchair.

Working very hard on a 'chalk' masterpeice.

Wyatt practicing his sitting skills.

Hanging out in the warm sun (which quickly turned to a cold wind and we had to pack up and go home)


We decided that the Bumbo works better for Wyatt's feedings, he is still a little too small for the highchair. LOVES the sippy cup, he is teething right now so I think it feels good on his gums!