So heres the deal, I know I said I was no longer going to rant on my blog, well, I lied. Who am I kidding, I am a ranter, I get myself all riled up and I have to get it out! So please let me tell you about my joyous day!
This morning we woke up early (as usual). I have been sleeping on the couch because I am painting my room. Got the kids dressed and fed and was preparing to headout to check out some garage sales. I smelt poop, figured one of the kids pooped or farted. I ignored it at the time because I was busy, thought I would change them before we left. Ethan was playing with this trains and Wyatt was stnading with the paint tins. Everything seemed as it should.
But the poop smell just got stronger and stronger, I looked around, didn't see poop, I saw Wyatt army crawling his way to the pantry so I followed him so I could grab him before he made it. That is when I saw it. Poop SMEARED from one side of the kitchen to the other. I look over at Fabian and he is cleaning his boy cat parts in a non-discrete way. Wyatt had just slide his way through the poop and was leaving a poop train behind him. So I quickly grabbed Wyatt as I was dry heaving and ripped the clothes off of him and washed him down completely. I snagged Fabian and looked for the problem. Ahh yes just as I suspected, poop stuck in his long white fur. Completely nasty. So I took a diaper wipe (traditionally used on infants and toddlers butts) and wiped the CATS FREAKING butt. But Fabian had some fight in him, Hair was flying everywhere, nails were out and he was meowing. He got away before I could get it all. THen I cleaned the floor. Of course Ethan has an obsession with cleaning so he was attemping to help clean the poop and was having a tantrum because I wouldn't let him help.
I went upstairs to get Wyatt a change of clothes, and OH JOY, at the top of the stairs what do I see, THATs right! POOP on the carpet. So back downstairs I go to get a cloth to clean up poop. As I am cleaning the poop I am gagging oh and then I puked a little, but not to worry I was already cleaning up poop, may as well clean up puke too!
Finally we are all cleaned up and ready to go, get the kids in the car and head out. Half way up the street I realize that I should probably have gone and checked the basement to see if there was poop smeared everywhere down there, so we turn around, both kids screaming. THANKFULLY there was no poop in the basement.
We did a little garage saleing then we had to go to Walmart. OH dear, what an adventure. First, it was Walmarts anniversary sale, great deals to be had but oh what dirtbags a sale produces. We get in the cart, Ethan won't sit down, freaking out. He sees a box of smarties and is then FIXATED on me buying him a box of smarties, will not stop screaming for smarties (Mom I blame you for this). We get what we need, make our way through the crowds of people to the tills. I chose to do the self-checkout so I didn't need to pretend to be happy to a teller. Of course it only accepted cash or debit. So I thought that I would use debit. Tried my password three times, didn't work, DECLINED. So lets lay this out, two kids screaming in the cart, no socks on, my debit card got DECLINED, boy did I feel like an ALL star Walmart shopper. I threw everything back in the cart and whizzed over to the next lane. GOt Ethan smarties just to shut him up (maybe this was a bad idea but I was sick of listening to him). Head back to the Van, apparently the automatic door wasn't working, one side opened and the kids slammed into the other side which wasn't working. Get to the van, look at my receipt. The genious teller charged me twice for a $20 item. ARGGGHHHHH
Throw the kids back into the cart and steam back into Walmart. I was ready for a fight (thinking they were going to give me a Walmart gift card and not my money).But thankfully that went smoothly. Get the kids back into the car, give Ethan his smarties and drive home.
It is 1:00 in the afternoon, bother kids are sleeping and I am completely DONE. Still have to steam the poop out of the damn carpet!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Well you might think i'm crazy but my single BOB stroller has been stolen and I am devasted:(. I get attached to things, Bob was a gift from my parents when we had Ethan and he served me very well, lots of runs and complete comfort for both Wyatt and Ethan.
So here is the deal, We went to Wabamun on Sunday and I brought the double stroller (I usually leave one of the strollers in the car). I knew we were going to the zoo on Tuesday so I went and transfered the double stroller for the single (thinking Ethan could walk). I had my nice new dwell diaperbag and my weathershield in there. When we arrived at the zoo I went to the truck and saw that my stroller wasn't there. At that point I just assumed that it was in the garage and I had just forgotten to put it in the car. Tonight we went to walk to get the mail and I went to the garage to get the stroller... but only the doulbe stroller was in the garage. I checked the car again, NO stroller. Those are the ONLY two places I keep the stroller. I re-checked everywhere (Thinking perhaps I had just done something dumb with it). But no, it is no where to be seen. I asked all the neighbors, no one has seen it. Strollers don't just up and roll away people! So I figure I must have forgotten to lock my car door one night and someone just snagged it out of there. My other thought was perhaps they stole it from the garage when it was open, but Why would someone take the single stroller when the double is sitting right next to it worth twice as much???
I am so sad, I am just so attached to my bobs. I swear if I ever see someone pushing my stroller and using my nice diaper bag I am going to attack. (literally attack). Now I just feel so uneasy, Did they take it while my van was sitting in the driveway? Seriously, that is scary! I found the same bob and weathershield on KIJIJI for sale. They said theirs was in mint condition (and clearly mine was not) but I emailed just to see if I could come and look at it.
I called the insuanrace compant just to see if it was worth it to go through our insurance (I made a claim and they will call me tomorrow). Either way tomorrow I am going to buy a new stroller (can't really live without it when i'm by myself with two kids and the double stroller I usually only use for running and big events when Ethan needs to be strapped in). It is too much to take everywhere I ago and Wyatt will be using this stroller for at least another the next one.
To replace my bob and all the parts I had:
BOB $449.00
Weathershield (for winter) $55
Carseat Adapter $65
Dwell travel case $36 ... I am not going to replace this :(
I will have to buy it either way but the insurance company said I can send in my recipets if we do go through insurance. It just really bothers me that someone has the nerve to steal a mothers STROLLER, as if they need it more than I do, seriously loser they have $5 strollers at Walmart, I'll give you five bucks to buy it if you just bring my stroller back!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
My Little Guys
Mom made a big mistake and just assumed that one of the two strollers would be in the trunk for the zoo. When we got there I realized that infact neither of the strollers were there. Had to carry Wyatt but it worked out great, no fussing at all! Although I let out a few screams I might add. So seriously I think the zoo should ANNOUCE when they are bringing the snakes out. We were just checking out the monkeys in this building when I turned around to keep walking and BAM there was this lady wakling by with the grossest looking snake i've ever seen. Yup, I screamed! Everyone looked at me, whatever, snakes are disgusting. Anyways we kept walking and right when we were leaving the building there was a school group watching a lady with another snake wrapped around her (oh man i'm getting itchy just re-living it). I told Ethan to run and he took off sprinting with me closley behind!
OK and an update:
Wyatt is the happiest little camper! He has been transformed, A couple weeks ago I stopped nursing Wyatt during the day and what a difference that has made. I nurse him before bed and in the morning and he just eats all the good stuff during the day! He FINALLY sleeps all night, he usually only cries when he is hungry (or when Ethan is torturing him). He has also figured out how to move. He has mastered the army crawl and can now move around on his own!
Ethan is a talking machine, mastering sentences, singing full songs. It is pretty impressive and oh so cute!! He is becoming very indepedant. He likes to put his sandals on himself, get himself dressed, brush his teeth. Potty training isn't really going at all though. Oh well it will come!
My parents came out a few weeks ago and Dad and Kelly built us an awesome deck and fence in the matter of three days! It is so fantastic to go into the backyard and not worry about Ethan running onto the street. My mom stayed a few days extra and I think I almost cried when she left! It is so nice to have people here with us!
Big news for Kelly and I, we have both just got Iphones. I haven't got a great history with cellphones (massive bills) but I don't think we can go wrong here, it is pretty much unlimited everything so I don't think i'm going to go over. And seriously, What was I doing without one. Kelly and I are able to chat all day while he is at work and we are out, I can quickly take pictures of the kids and send them to him in an instant. I can get directions, people can actaully get AHOLD of me.
Little Peanut Consignment seems to have exploded in the past couple of weeks, Virginia and I have been very busy doing meets, posting, pricing and SELLING!!! Just incase you haven't already checked it out we are on facebook under littlepeanut consignment!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Stay-at-home Mother of Two
This is a link to a wonderful article written by aQq stay-at-home mom! I highly recommend reading it!
As you may have noticed I haven't written a blog in some time. I was feeling really judged and was recieving opinions about my life and how I do things that were really unwanted and very unwelcome. I know people were juding me, even if it wasn't said outloud I know they were judging. And thats fine, judge all you want, honestly I probably judge you too. I write about what is real, what is happening in my life. It isn't always rainbows and butterflies as some people make it out to be (or pretend it is). If you don't like the way I'm raising my children or living my life then don't read my blog, and in all honesty I probably disagree with many of the ways you judgers are raising your children and living your life. Everyone is different, everyone has different values, everyone spend money differently, to each their own. I don't want to feel like crap because YOU think I made a wrong decision. I am raising healthy HAPPY children. I do everything for my children, I want them to be invloved in programs, be social and have fun. I also like my children to be well dressed and spoiled. Yes, I would say my children are spoiled, whats it to you! Many people have told me to just relax, stay home a little more. My children HATE being at home, spending the entire day at home is like spending the day in prision. I have dedicated my life to getting my children invovled in numerous activities, and yes it may be stressfull but to see the enjoyment my children get from getting out of the house everyday and experience new things is worth every minute of stress.
Not too many people know what is like to be a stay-at-home mother of two whose husband is away. It isn't always easy, and yes, I usually write a blog when i'm angry or frusterated so it may come across to many that I am ALWAYS stressed and that my life is too much for me. This is not the case. I am fully capable of raising my children and anyone who says their children are perfect little angels are lying. I don't get a break, it is go go go, I know I have made it that way and I don't regret any of it!
The article that I have a link for above is possibly the best article I have ever read. I have had days JUST like the lady who wrote the article, infact my days are usually somewhat close to that! Going to the grocery store and leaving one child in the cart while you put the other in the car, what the hell am I supposed to do let one run all over the parking lot. I worry about people giving me looks for leaving my children in the car while I go and return the cart. Again, what did you want me to do? I have to deal with the completely useless Alberta employees who are incapable of doing their jobs properly. So when my children finally go down for a nap and I think I get a chance to relax, no, I have to sit on the phone and deal with the numerous problems that continally go wrong because of the idiot employees who can get it right the first time.
My house is never clean, (although I am getting better at this). There is always food on the floor, crumbs on the carpet, clumps of cat fur all over the house, toys scattered from one side of the house to the other. I could clean all day everyday and still my house would not be clean.
I get remarks on how I spend my money. How is this anyones business but ours. I know I wrote a blog on a budget that Kelly and I had agreed upon, this is what works for us, everyone has their own budgets and money solutions, we don't need advice, Kelly is the number one money man, he knows his stuff and we have agreed on a budget that is very reasonable. With the amount of money I have I am able to get groceries for the week, diapers, gas, gifts and clothes, there is usually not much leftover. What we buy and how we spend our money is our business, we both like nice things and are willing to pay a little bit extra to get what we want.
And yes, I am going to go back to work eventually. We have been discussing it lately, at this point unless I find a really good job the price of day-care isn't worth it for us. We also feel that is is very important to us to have me at home raising our children. I still don't know what I want to do with my life, I have been looking into options lately, reaserching different careers. So far nothing is speaking to me. I figure I will have to go back to school for a couple of years to add to my degree, just need to find something perfect.
I am learning as I go, the days are getting easier and easier as the kids get older. I am really enjoying life! We have lots of great friends and there is always lots going on. So many wonderful things going on and great things to look forwad to. I hate that I am being judged for what I write, my blog calms me down, if I need to vent I type out a blog and vent. Perhaps now the fursterating parts of my life will be kept off my blog. Consider this my final vent!
This is a link to a wonderful article written by aQq stay-at-home mom! I highly recommend reading it!
As you may have noticed I haven't written a blog in some time. I was feeling really judged and was recieving opinions about my life and how I do things that were really unwanted and very unwelcome. I know people were juding me, even if it wasn't said outloud I know they were judging. And thats fine, judge all you want, honestly I probably judge you too. I write about what is real, what is happening in my life. It isn't always rainbows and butterflies as some people make it out to be (or pretend it is). If you don't like the way I'm raising my children or living my life then don't read my blog, and in all honesty I probably disagree with many of the ways you judgers are raising your children and living your life. Everyone is different, everyone has different values, everyone spend money differently, to each their own. I don't want to feel like crap because YOU think I made a wrong decision. I am raising healthy HAPPY children. I do everything for my children, I want them to be invloved in programs, be social and have fun. I also like my children to be well dressed and spoiled. Yes, I would say my children are spoiled, whats it to you! Many people have told me to just relax, stay home a little more. My children HATE being at home, spending the entire day at home is like spending the day in prision. I have dedicated my life to getting my children invovled in numerous activities, and yes it may be stressfull but to see the enjoyment my children get from getting out of the house everyday and experience new things is worth every minute of stress.
Not too many people know what is like to be a stay-at-home mother of two whose husband is away. It isn't always easy, and yes, I usually write a blog when i'm angry or frusterated so it may come across to many that I am ALWAYS stressed and that my life is too much for me. This is not the case. I am fully capable of raising my children and anyone who says their children are perfect little angels are lying. I don't get a break, it is go go go, I know I have made it that way and I don't regret any of it!
The article that I have a link for above is possibly the best article I have ever read. I have had days JUST like the lady who wrote the article, infact my days are usually somewhat close to that! Going to the grocery store and leaving one child in the cart while you put the other in the car, what the hell am I supposed to do let one run all over the parking lot. I worry about people giving me looks for leaving my children in the car while I go and return the cart. Again, what did you want me to do? I have to deal with the completely useless Alberta employees who are incapable of doing their jobs properly. So when my children finally go down for a nap and I think I get a chance to relax, no, I have to sit on the phone and deal with the numerous problems that continally go wrong because of the idiot employees who can get it right the first time.
My house is never clean, (although I am getting better at this). There is always food on the floor, crumbs on the carpet, clumps of cat fur all over the house, toys scattered from one side of the house to the other. I could clean all day everyday and still my house would not be clean.
I get remarks on how I spend my money. How is this anyones business but ours. I know I wrote a blog on a budget that Kelly and I had agreed upon, this is what works for us, everyone has their own budgets and money solutions, we don't need advice, Kelly is the number one money man, he knows his stuff and we have agreed on a budget that is very reasonable. With the amount of money I have I am able to get groceries for the week, diapers, gas, gifts and clothes, there is usually not much leftover. What we buy and how we spend our money is our business, we both like nice things and are willing to pay a little bit extra to get what we want.
And yes, I am going to go back to work eventually. We have been discussing it lately, at this point unless I find a really good job the price of day-care isn't worth it for us. We also feel that is is very important to us to have me at home raising our children. I still don't know what I want to do with my life, I have been looking into options lately, reaserching different careers. So far nothing is speaking to me. I figure I will have to go back to school for a couple of years to add to my degree, just need to find something perfect.
I am learning as I go, the days are getting easier and easier as the kids get older. I am really enjoying life! We have lots of great friends and there is always lots going on. So many wonderful things going on and great things to look forwad to. I hate that I am being judged for what I write, my blog calms me down, if I need to vent I type out a blog and vent. Perhaps now the fursterating parts of my life will be kept off my blog. Consider this my final vent!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sesame Street
Well tonight was a big night for Ethan and I! It was the first time we have had any time together alone for quite some time! I was really excited about it. I told Ethan we were going to Ernie's house so he was pretty excited too! We had THIRD row seats, it was awesome. THe shower started and both Caleb and Ethan were stoked! Ethan was clapping his hands, yelling 'YEEEEAHHHHH' and applauding when all the songs ended. Both the boys danced and sang. Ethan even knew a few of the songs (since we listen to Birt, Ernie and the Count numerous times daily). I bought Ethan a flag, then at intermission this fellow came out with like 300 Elmo balloons. I wasn't going to buy him one but I thought, what the heck, this is Ethan's special night!
After the show we wandered around captial X for awhile. Ethan was having a great time stomping in puddles and sitting on all the chairs he could find! We finally made it to the van and headed back to pick up Wyatt. Ethan chatted my ear off on the way back, talking all about Ernie, Birt and Oscar! It was adorable! Anyways we had a great night and I was so happy to hear that my Wyatt was a little ANgel for superstar babysitters Atti and Michelle!
Now I will have to think of something special to do with Wyatt!
Enjoying some popcorn with Caleb while waiting for the show to start!
Lucky Guy! A Snowcone!
Ethan ran right up to see Ernie. Wasn't scared at all and he hasn't stopped talking about Ernie since! He was so cute, ran right up to him, I couldn't even see him, I was trying to get around the hoards of kids to get at him!
After the show we wandered around captial X for awhile. Ethan was having a great time stomping in puddles and sitting on all the chairs he could find! We finally made it to the van and headed back to pick up Wyatt. Ethan chatted my ear off on the way back, talking all about Ernie, Birt and Oscar! It was adorable! Anyways we had a great night and I was so happy to hear that my Wyatt was a little ANgel for superstar babysitters Atti and Michelle!
Now I will have to think of something special to do with Wyatt!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Poop Hand
Well we are back to normal out here in Albertaland and as usual today had its highs and its lows.... Wyatt woke up at the crack of dawn, I was hardly functional but I trooped downstairs and fed him breakfast. He was a fusspot so I thought i'd put him back in his bed, just to see if he'd fall back to sleep!! Success! SO this morning I had an hour and a half of ME time!! It was fantastic! I just cleaned the house, but still the slience was amazing!
Ethan woke up and demanded Peanut Butter and Jam on bread so I made him this and he did not take ONE bite, what a waste of food! Anyways Ethan and I had some cuddle time on the couch watching Thomas before we got up and dressed for the day. Once Wyatt woke up I plunked both the kids in the car and we were off to the park!
Ethan's listening skills were really put to the test at the park and I would say that they FAILED. Ethan was driving his truck down a path that was heading to a road. I said 'Ethan', 'Ethan stop'. NOTHING... just kept going like he heard nothing, so my voice got louder and he just got further away so finally I had to put Sir Screams-alot (Trying out a new nickname for Wyatt) down and run to catch Ethan. Seriously, he is just like his dad, he completely ignores me! Anyways he had fun at the park.
After the park we had a quick lunch and I put both the kids down for an early nap because we had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon! I had to wake Ethan up (which is never a good scene) but once I told him we were going to a birthday party he was very excited! Ethan had a great time at the party! A trampoline, a bouncy house, toys, kids and food! Ethan also helped the birthday boy open all of his presents! It was a great afternoon!
Dinner time is so tough for me. I think I should take cooking lessons, even the kids are getting sick of bland chicken with potatoes and a veggies or pasta... that about sums up my food repetoire. Ethan hardly touched his healthy dinner and again instisted on Pb and J. At least he ate it this time.
After dinner I was doing the dishes, I heard a big crash. I looked over and Ethan had tipped the jumparoo with Wyatt in it over. I had a minor panic attack and was hooting and hollaring (kind of scared for poor Wyatt). The windows were all open, i'm sure my neighbors think i'm a freak of nature but whatever. I rescued poor Wyatt. He was facedown on the floor under the jumparoo. He was crying but he got over it really quickly thankfully. SO I put Wyatt down in a safe (or what I thought was safe) place on the floor and go back to my dishes, next thing I know I look over and Ethan is STANDING on Wyatt's tummy!! Seriously Ethan..... so I go and rescue Wyatt again, he was laughing (for some reason he likes Ethan's roughhousing) but man was a ticked. I swear I could give countless time-outs, they really mean nothing to Ethan. But according to the doctor and numerous friends with kids the same age, this is normal....
We did our baths and had our pj's on at 5:30. Wyatt was fussy so I thought I would put him in bed, he fell instantly asleep, so I guess I should expect an early morning tomorrow!
Ethan and I played for awhile and then I did some Little Peanut business. Ethan was busy playing with his toys when he came over to me holding his hands in the air. 'Poop hands, Poop hands'. That is right, there was poop on his hands. It seems this is his new thing, everytime he poops he puts his hands in his diaper and pulls them out. He must not like the feeling (who would). I've been struggling with potty training, We try the potty daily and Ethan has not ONCE (we have had the potty since he was 18 mos) peed on the potty. He will sit on it for awhile, then turn around and try to pee like his daddy but just will NOT pee. I have two kinds of pottys for him to use, one on the ground and on on the big toilet (with steps leading up to it). After discussing it with a few people it seems that most people have had the best success with the three day method. I just need to do that when I have an extra set of hands around!
Anyways now they are both fast asleep and I'm going to get back to knitting Wyatt's blanket. Ethan and I are going to Sesame Street Live tomorrow night. I am so excited about it. We are leaving Sir Screams Alot with Atti, Michelle and Cohan. I am so nervous about it (the show is at seven). Wyatt isn't like most babies, Wyatt screams and I would feel terrible if he screamed all night for Atti and Michelle! But they both seem optimistic so we are going to give it a whirl :)
Ethan woke up and demanded Peanut Butter and Jam on bread so I made him this and he did not take ONE bite, what a waste of food! Anyways Ethan and I had some cuddle time on the couch watching Thomas before we got up and dressed for the day. Once Wyatt woke up I plunked both the kids in the car and we were off to the park!
Ethan's listening skills were really put to the test at the park and I would say that they FAILED. Ethan was driving his truck down a path that was heading to a road. I said 'Ethan', 'Ethan stop'. NOTHING... just kept going like he heard nothing, so my voice got louder and he just got further away so finally I had to put Sir Screams-alot (Trying out a new nickname for Wyatt) down and run to catch Ethan. Seriously, he is just like his dad, he completely ignores me! Anyways he had fun at the park.
After the park we had a quick lunch and I put both the kids down for an early nap because we had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon! I had to wake Ethan up (which is never a good scene) but once I told him we were going to a birthday party he was very excited! Ethan had a great time at the party! A trampoline, a bouncy house, toys, kids and food! Ethan also helped the birthday boy open all of his presents! It was a great afternoon!
Dinner time is so tough for me. I think I should take cooking lessons, even the kids are getting sick of bland chicken with potatoes and a veggies or pasta... that about sums up my food repetoire. Ethan hardly touched his healthy dinner and again instisted on Pb and J. At least he ate it this time.
After dinner I was doing the dishes, I heard a big crash. I looked over and Ethan had tipped the jumparoo with Wyatt in it over. I had a minor panic attack and was hooting and hollaring (kind of scared for poor Wyatt). The windows were all open, i'm sure my neighbors think i'm a freak of nature but whatever. I rescued poor Wyatt. He was facedown on the floor under the jumparoo. He was crying but he got over it really quickly thankfully. SO I put Wyatt down in a safe (or what I thought was safe) place on the floor and go back to my dishes, next thing I know I look over and Ethan is STANDING on Wyatt's tummy!! Seriously Ethan..... so I go and rescue Wyatt again, he was laughing (for some reason he likes Ethan's roughhousing) but man was a ticked. I swear I could give countless time-outs, they really mean nothing to Ethan. But according to the doctor and numerous friends with kids the same age, this is normal....
We did our baths and had our pj's on at 5:30. Wyatt was fussy so I thought I would put him in bed, he fell instantly asleep, so I guess I should expect an early morning tomorrow!
Ethan and I played for awhile and then I did some Little Peanut business. Ethan was busy playing with his toys when he came over to me holding his hands in the air. 'Poop hands, Poop hands'. That is right, there was poop on his hands. It seems this is his new thing, everytime he poops he puts his hands in his diaper and pulls them out. He must not like the feeling (who would). I've been struggling with potty training, We try the potty daily and Ethan has not ONCE (we have had the potty since he was 18 mos) peed on the potty. He will sit on it for awhile, then turn around and try to pee like his daddy but just will NOT pee. I have two kinds of pottys for him to use, one on the ground and on on the big toilet (with steps leading up to it). After discussing it with a few people it seems that most people have had the best success with the three day method. I just need to do that when I have an extra set of hands around!
Anyways now they are both fast asleep and I'm going to get back to knitting Wyatt's blanket. Ethan and I are going to Sesame Street Live tomorrow night. I am so excited about it. We are leaving Sir Screams Alot with Atti, Michelle and Cohan. I am so nervous about it (the show is at seven). Wyatt isn't like most babies, Wyatt screams and I would feel terrible if he screamed all night for Atti and Michelle! But they both seem optimistic so we are going to give it a whirl :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Lawn
After a little bit of drama, a lot of water and some excellent neighbors our lawn is doing very well! It was about a foot high when we got home from holidays so we headed out to purchase a lawn mower. We went all out and got the best of the best.... I mowed the front lawn last night and finished off the backyard this afternoon. It was SO long that the lawn mower kept clogging and I had to dump the bag like 8 times, but it looks fantastic now and I will never let it get that long again. I am excited to spend some time back there. I may take the sand table back there in the next few days! All of the neighbors are just finishing off their landscaping so the street is actaully starting to look like a street rather than a construction zone!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Rest of our BC Road Trip
Sunday, July 10, 2011
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