Well you might think i'm crazy but my single BOB stroller has been stolen and I am devasted:(. I get attached to things, Bob was a gift from my parents when we had Ethan and he served me very well, lots of runs and complete comfort for both Wyatt and Ethan.
So here is the deal, We went to Wabamun on Sunday and I brought the double stroller (I usually leave one of the strollers in the car). I knew we were going to the zoo on Tuesday so I went and transfered the double stroller for the single (thinking Ethan could walk). I had my nice new dwell diaperbag and my weathershield in there. When we arrived at the zoo I went to the truck and saw that my stroller wasn't there. At that point I just assumed that it was in the garage and I had just forgotten to put it in the car. Tonight we went to walk to get the mail and I went to the garage to get the stroller... but only the doulbe stroller was in the garage. I checked the car again, NO stroller. Those are the ONLY two places I keep the stroller. I re-checked everywhere (Thinking perhaps I had just done something dumb with it). But no, it is no where to be seen. I asked all the neighbors, no one has seen it. Strollers don't just up and roll away people! So I figure I must have forgotten to lock my car door one night and someone just snagged it out of there. My other thought was perhaps they stole it from the garage when it was open, but Why would someone take the single stroller when the double is sitting right next to it worth twice as much???
I am so sad, I am just so attached to my bobs. I swear if I ever see someone pushing my stroller and using my nice diaper bag I am going to attack. (literally attack). Now I just feel so uneasy, Did they take it while my van was sitting in the driveway? Seriously, that is scary! I found the same bob and weathershield on KIJIJI for sale. They said theirs was in mint condition (and clearly mine was not) but I emailed just to see if I could come and look at it.
I called the insuanrace compant just to see if it was worth it to go through our insurance (I made a claim and they will call me tomorrow). Either way tomorrow I am going to buy a new stroller (can't really live without it when i'm by myself with two kids and the double stroller I usually only use for running and big events when Ethan needs to be strapped in). It is too much to take everywhere I ago and Wyatt will be using this stroller for at least another year...plus the next one.
To replace my bob and all the parts I had:
BOB $449.00
Weathershield (for winter) $55
Carseat Adapter $65
Dwell travel case $36 ... I am not going to replace this :(
I will have to buy it either way but the insurance company said I can send in my recipets if we do go through insurance. It just really bothers me that someone has the nerve to steal a mothers STROLLER, as if they need it more than I do, seriously loser they have $5 strollers at Walmart, I'll give you five bucks to buy it if you just bring my stroller back!
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