Monday, November 19, 2012

Ten Days

It is amazing the things that can happen in ten short days. The ten short days that Kelly is away. The Wednesday after Kelly left it snowed probably two or more feet. It never seems snow when he is here, the very first day I made an attempt to take the van to class, we got there and ALL the way back and got stuck pulling into our driveway. I had to dig out, and huff and puff and shovel the entire driveway. Needless to say I was extremely sore the next day. It was heavy (BC Style) snow. No problem for us though we jumped into trusty Karen the truck and went on with our business as usual.

Flash forward 4 or 5 days. Kelly is still away. We were at the Perc playing, on the way out Ethan fell on the ice/snow in the parking lot. I really didn't think anything of it, he falls all the time. I plunked him in the car and we headed home. The entire way Ethan was whining about his arm, I still didn't really think anything of it. But for the rest of the afternoon his left arm was just hanging there limp and he wouldn't do anything with it, he didn't want to get out of bed and just layed there. This was kind of unusual but I figured that perhaps after a nap he may have forgotten that his arm was hurting. Unfortunately when he woke up from nap his whining increased and it seemed so did his pain. I plunked him in front of the TV in his chair. He then peed himself and the chair because he couldn't push himself up from the chair. NOW I KIND of am thinking that perhaps his arm is hurt slightly more than first thought. I contemplate for awhile then decide that I should probably take him in.

So we suit up. I drop Wyatt off at Virginia and Ethan and I head to the drop in Clinic. They tell us to go to the Stollery. Really? The stollery? I'm not driving all the way into the city. So we go to the Stony Plain Hospital. They admit him pretty quickly but the process took forever. Ethan was very good, of course we stopped at Tim Horton's for dinner so we had plenty of snacks and foods. They didn't have beds so Ethan and I were put in the hallway. THe Xrays were brutal and clearly not enjoyable for Ethan but he didn't complain. At about 10:00 (we got there at 6) the doctor comes to tell us that there is a crack just below the elbow but it was difficult to see because of some fluid build up. I feel terrible as I honestly thought that Ethan was faking because he was angry at me for making him leave the perc lol. So they put a splint on his arm and tell us to return to the hospital for Xrays in a weeks time.

Flash Forward two more days. Time to go to the airport to pick up Kelly, we are dropping something off at Virginia's and I get back into the car. Wyatt has projectile vomited ALL over himself and the car. Just so you can have a visual (Chunks of mandarin orange all over the place). Ok moving on. So I drag him out of the car put him into some of Caleb's clothes and wipe his carseat out the best I can. We continue on the drive to the airport. The drive is about 40 minutes, half way I hear Wyatt coughing a little then I turn around just in time to see another HUGE puke again all over himself and the carseat. I can't stop, we are on the highway and its dark. We go through Devon (and I have to meet a lady at 7:30) I hear another very big puke.... So at this point Wyatt is completely covered. We arrive at McDonalds (Where I meeting this lady). Thankfully I have an extra outfit in the car, So I change him and wipe him up as best I can, his seat is completely puke soaked and he is still covered but it was the best I could do.

I check Kelly's Flight, one hour late, So now we have an extra hour to wait in a completely puke smelly car, i'm dry heaving. We stopped for some food and it really was almost as if the food had been puked on I just couldn't get the taste and smell away. Wyatt Pukes one more time before we pick up Kelly, again thankful for ANOTHER outfit I managed to find in the car (And Kelly thinks it is a good idea to clean out the car, I disagree). We go and park in the 7-11 at the airport parking lot (because i'm too cheap to pay for parking). I texted Kelly and told him that we would not be coming in tonight but picking him outside. Both boys fell asleep. ahhhhhh good times.

Flash forward again. On Saturday I give Ethan a bath and take off his splint, he wanted to leave it off for awhile. Caleb then came for a visit in the afternoon, Ethan and caleb made a HUGE tower of toys and some toys, Ethan was being a complete goof (and not in a good way), I watched him for awhile, there he is using his arm like it had never been hurt!! WHAT THE HECK!! So i'm just going to say that we pretty much wasted an entire night in emergency for what I suspected from the beginning......nothing.

Flash Forward until today.
It is Monday, Tuesday is tomorrow. That means Kelly leaves.... Oh what wonderful things can possibly have in the next seven days :)
 Just showing off some of my latest Value Village finds :)
 Breakfast Time
This is how I found the boys when I woke up, the crackers where all gone. They said they were on the plane to Granny's house.

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