Thursday, July 29, 2010

BC - DAY 1

New Chair granny bought for Ethan.... Loves it! Played for over an hour with the hose and the kitcehn. Attempted to eat the play food, didn't go so well :)

Our arrival at the airport!

So Day one of our BC Vacation. Virginia picks Ethan and I up in the morning and we are off to the airport. Of course we make a few essentials stops on the way. A quick stop at Once Upon a Child. Didn't get much, but did get a very cute pair of shorts for Ethan, and obviously something for the new baby. THe boys were hungry so we stopped off at McDonalds. Yes that is right, I haven't been there for AGES, Kelly hates that place with a passion. I'm not sure why it is SO delicious, and Ethan loved it. Anyways, Don't worry Kelly we won't be going back for awhile.... it was just a fun treat. We finally make it to the airport, perfect timing, we just walked right on the plane. We sat in the very back, no one in the seats beside us. This was a good thing as Ethan was very uncomfortable and screaming. But once we took off both him and myself fell asleep. Even missed the darn 'snack'.
Once we land in the beautiful Comox Valley Alexis and Mom are there to greet us, we even arrived on time and we were back at our place by 1:45. Alexis and I took off downtown to see what was new. Not too much I must admit, although Hot Chocolates was our last stop and we both go two scoops of gelato. Just was two pregos need :). It was VERY hot yesterday, so we suited up and headed down to the river..... AWWW so refreshing. And so much better than any Alberta River I have ever been in.
Mom made Quiche for dinner,however, her oven broke half way through... so we had toaster oven/microwave quiche. It turned out alright, considering. After dinner we were just about to head out to Canadian Tire to buy Ethan a paddly pool. Well change of plans. The dog pushed the basement door open and Ethan went chasing after the dog, probably not realizing there were stairs there. I chased after Ethan yelling "stop". Nope, too late, I watched my little baby boy roll down 15 wooden stairs and then finally watched his head smack against the concrete at the bottom. The worst thing I have ever seen. I was screaming/crying/shaking, oh my gosh what has just happened. I scooped my little guy up, he was just screaming. His nose started to bleed and I was worried he had cracked his skull. His head made a huge clunk at the bottom. HE cried hard for about ten minutes, then seemed to stop. We decided we'd better go to the drop in clinic, just to be sure. By this time the goose egg on his forehead was the size of an egg.
THe drop in Clinic wasn't too busy, They had toys and Ethan decided he would probably feel well enough to play with them. By the time we got into the doctor he was chatting and playing away, definately seemed alright. They doctor checked him out, his nose was a little swollen, and he is bruised on his chin and forehead. She gave us some warning signs to watch for, if they happened we had to take him to emergency.
We put Ethan to bed, We had to wake him every hour to make sure he was ok. for the first hour, mom and I (my dad is away) Crafted a locking system for the basement door so this could never happen again.
We finally went to bed and decided rather than have Ethan sleep in the crib we would both sleep in my mom's bed with him in the middle. Ethan squirmed and wormed around all night and this morning is feeling great. In fact he is ready to head to the splash park.
That wasn't how I thought this vacation would start and i never want to watch any of my kids fall down any stair (or get hurt in any way) again. I could get the image out of my head last night of him heading down those stairs.
I've added some photos of Day 1. None of Ethan's bruise. Don't want to upset Daddy.

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