Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today I turned 28. I don't feel 28, I feel much MUCH older than 28. I've got wrinkles, grey hair, a body that is hardly recognizable, swollen feet and an addiction to caffiene. On the flip side I have an amazing husband, two beautiful boys and so many wonderful friends and family. I'd say despite all of the negative issues mentioned above that I am doing pretty well.

I woke up this morning to the sound of Wyatt screaming away in his crib. I rolled over and looked at the clock, 4:18. I fed him and curled back up in bed. Wyatt figured it was time to wake up so he continued screaming. Even the pillow over my head couldn't muffle the sound of the screams. So I thought i'd take a shower. When I got out it was quiet. He was still awake I could hear him moving around in there but I again got back into bed to try to get more sleep. Thankfully Wyatt decided that he also needed more sleep and we all slept until 7:30.

When I went into get Ethan his streams of snot had gone through his mouth and down his chin. This was the same for Wyatt, they were both coughing and sneezing. Fantastic, the boys are sick. Then I sneezed.... Oh great, i'm sick too. The kids were miserable.... and I mean miserable so I decided we needed to get out of the house. That always helps. We stopped for a tea at Tim Hortons then went to the park. Ethan was happy (for about 20 minutes), Wyatt was not happy, clearly uncomfrotable and sick. As we stood in the park I opened my tea. Guess what, it was coffee..... I was getting more stuffed up the longer we were at the park and soon the headache came. We packed up and headed home.

We went back through the drive-thru to get my dang tea. I was going to raise a stink and try to get a free tea but instead I just paid the $1.64, made them triple check it was tea and we headed for home.

While I was making lunch Ethan was crying and hanging onto my leg. He was crying 'hug hug'. If it was up to Ethan, him and I would be in the hug position all day. So I gave him a few hugs between his crys all while trying to make lunch. When I didn't hug him he would cry out 'kiss' but I wasn't about to kiss the snot stream.

Anyways they both have just fallen asleep instantly and I have taken two advil and am about to begin some housework.

We leave for BC in two day and I have so much to get ready. I tried to make a reservation for a ferry on Thursday but they are all sold out, there was a travel advisory on the BC ferry website saying that Thursday (June 30th) is one of the busiest days of the year. So we had to do some changes to our itinerary. I thought we would drive to Jasper on Tuesday night when Kelly got home to get a headstart. Of course every hotel is more than $270 a night (even for the crappy ones I won't stay at). So the new plan is to stay in Hinton on Tuesday night (only one place would accept cats as well... thats right, Fabian will be joining on this 'going-to-be-epic journey).

On another note. I feel that it is time for us to move home. Kelly really wants to move home but it was always me that wanted to stay because of the wonderful circle of friends that the boys and I have here. I knew we would always move home and it was important for me to move home before Ethan starts Kindergarden. I feel the time is now, There is a house in the area I would like to live in by a school I would be very happy to send Ethan and Wyatt to. Kelly is able to work two weeks in and two weeks out and my stresslevel would come way down knowing I would have my family there to help. I would be able to play soccer again. It is definately a big decision and a big move (especially since we just moved into our new place) but I am now starting to seriously think about it. The house I want is still out of our price range at the moment but I check the area out daily.

I am going to put a smile on my face and enjoy my birthday housework!

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