Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another Crazy Morning

Well our day started at 5:54 am when my little screamer woke up. I fed him and plunked him down on a towel outside the shower. He has happy for all of half an hour (thankfully long enough for me to have a shower) then the screams started again. He is SO bad at putting himself back to sleep, clearly he was exhausted because there was nothing I could do to soothe him. Of course the screams woke up Ethan. So at 7:35 I threw everyone into the van and we took off.

As soon as we got in the car things were all good (for the most part). So off we went to the gas station and then to Tim Hortons for a much needed tea. I bought Ethan breakfast there because I was in far too much of a hurry to get the heck out the house to feed him breakfast.

I knew Superstore opened at 7 so I had packed the grocery bags in the car and we went grocery shopping. I didn't want to spend too much money so it really didn't take long, unfortunately I had to prescriptions to fill and the dang pharmacy didn't open until 9. So we just wandered around. Ethan was goofing around in the cart and next thing I knew he had falled through the holes (His was sitting in the middle rather than on one side). So he got stuck, he was screaming, I had Wyatt in the baby bjorn so it was hard for me to pull Ethan out. Some jerk man walked right by us and didn't off the help. So I finally pulled Ethan to safety, but of course he wouldn't go back into the death cart. So he was running here and there and everywhere. It was five minutes until the pharmacy opened, they had their windows all open and they were all in there, so I just stood there with Ethan screaming in hopes that they would come quicker! They did not. FINALLY at 9 they came to the counter. We had another 15 minutes to wait until the perscriptions were ready. Ethan took off to the toys, he was taking down everytoy he could see. Finally he settled on a stuffed animal and kept walking around saying 'Lucky Guy'. (This is usually what I say to him after I buy him some thing special). So I think he was hoping that he was going to get this ugly stuffed dog.
AFter we picked up the percription we headed to Stony Plain to take the bottles back, that went smoothly. I took them to the park to change them and feed Wyatt. There was a famers market happening so we checked that out. Pretty pathetic I might add. There were hardly any vendors and even less customers. But Ethan got to see some horses and we got some chocolate out of the deal so we were happy.

Next stop, the SWAP MEET! I had never been with both kids, wasn't sure how it was going to go. I bought Ethan a booster juice and he was very happy drinking that while we waited in line. Once we were in he started getting very restless because there were so many toys around. So I let him out. We bought two busses and pushed them all around, crashing into people and getting in peopls way, all while saying over and over 'Lucky Guy, Lucky Guy'. When they both started crying I knew it was time to go.

I did fairly well at the swap meet. I thought I would just go to look but I ended up getting a few clothes, two buses and a shelf for Ethan's room.

We came home and had lunch and I plunked them in bed. 20 minutes later Wyatt woke up screaming... ARE YOU FREAKING kidding me. I ignored him for awhile, then I put pillows under the door (to try to block the sound)... That didn't work, so I took myself outside and sat on the curb, waited 5 minutes and came back in, still crying. Back outside for 5 more minutes. This time when I came in it was silent...ahhhhhh.... NOW to get some things done!

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