I have been having the toughest time trying to find a diaper that works for Wyatt. We have been having blowout after blowout and I just can find a good one. He grew out of size 1-2 Huggies from Costco. I moved him right into size 3, no good, so I tried size 2 Huggies Swaddlers. I mean we are just ruining perfectly good clothing with this poop. The only one that has really worked well are the free diapers that they give out at Ikea. I THINK they are from Walmart so i'm going to try the cheap walmart brand and see if we can have some 'blowout free' days!
Solid Foods
I was bored the other day and decided to try Wyatt on solid foods, we started out with a very runny organic brown rice ceral. He LOVED it, stuffed it in his mouth in the typical Rogers boys way. (in our family anyways). So we have been doing it for the past three days, it makes life more fun for me. It doesn't change his mood at all, doesn't fill him up anymore than usual, he is still extremely fussy. He screams like he is getting killed everytime even the smallest thing is wrong. He is also getting a tooth, which is also another reason he is somewhat unbearable during the day.
Great Deals
So we met Aunty Michelle and Cohan at the mall yesterday, we didn't have too much to shop for but it is just a fun place to meet and have our bubble tea! I wanted to get some party decorations for Ethan's birthday party from the party store. TOTAL rip off central, I didn't end up getting anything. We were walking by Gymboree and usually i don't bother going in there because it is very expensive and my double stroller doesn't really fit into their cave-like store. Anyways we went in, All of their clearance items were an extra 25% off. I bought Ethan four shirts and a pair of jeans all for only $27. Very proud of myself. I also bought Ethan a birthday gift. It is a recordable book. So Kelly and I read it and then he can hear our voices any time he wants. Particularly good for Kelly when he is away!
So we are doing Ethan's 2nd birthday party at the library. It is $100 bucks, they provide decorations, goodie bags and they do one hour of games, songs, books and face painting, then you get the party room for the next hour for cake/presents etc. Anyways so I went in just to pay and to check things out. They have a really cute kids area, of course Wyatt was screaming his brains out and Ethan was off. It was so quiet in there and he was running up and down all the isles yelling because he liked the sound of his voice while he was running. I was so stressed out. WE got out of there as quickly as we could. I am looking forward to the birthday party though!
Train Table
I have been thinking about buying Ethan a train table for awhile. Anyways I was just checking thing out on Kijiji and found one for 40s in Stony Plain. So this morning we headed out to pick it up. It isn't a top of the line train table but it has two drawers in it and is perfect! I put the back seats down in the van and there was PLENTY of room for it (couldn't have done that in an SUV). So I think I will buy him one train set for his birthday with tracks, he will LOVE it! It is sitting in the garage right now, i'm sure he won't see it in there!
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