Monday, March 7, 2011


We had a fantastic day yesterday! We were up early (these seems to be a new thing) but I actaully don't mind it, there are lots of things happening in the morning and it is kind of a great feeling being up and out of the house by 9. I like it!
Anyways we had planned to go into this Mommylicious Trade Show in the city. We did a quick Tim Horton's stop and we were on our way. I had Ethan in the single stroller and Wyatt in the Baby Bjorn (which he LOVED, he was the happiest guy ever). I didn't expect to buy anything much at the trade show, but I wanted to go to check things out. There was some pretty great stuff. I ended up buying Wyatt a really nice blanket. He doesn't have a very special blanket yet (and the ones he did have Ethan has stolen). SO I found a blanket that is just adorable and it isn't the kind of fabric that Ethan lvoes soI don't think he will steal it. They also had these really cute 'tag blankets'. I hummed and hawed about buying one, but in the end I decided that my mom could probably make them for much cheaper. So I've put her to work!
They had a big inflatable bouncer for the kids to jump in. Ethan wanted to go in so badly, he would make it up the big inflatable stairs and all the way to the door and stop. He wanted to go in so badly but was just too scared. So he watched the kids jump for awhile then climbed back into his stroller.
There was a lady there selling baby slings and carriers. Myself and a lady behind me walked by her with our baby bjorns and she looked at us both and said "When your Baby Bjorns get uncomfortable I can fit you with a much more comfortable carrier". Honeslty I looked at her and said "I Love my Baby Bjorn". Talk about terrible business woman. She pretty much was saying to us that the baby bjorn (which we both had chosen) was junk and her product was better. At this point I could careless if her silly carriers are better I will never buy one and I really do love my baby bjorn.
Anyways we went to Red Robin for lunch. I ordered a grilled chicken burger, it came, all it was, was a hunk of chicken on a bun. No mayo, mustard (or ANYTHING). I asked for all of the condiments and the waitress seemed annoying that I wanted them? Really? Do you think I want to eat a plain burger with no taste? Anyways I had packed Ethan a lunch but he polished off my fries and half of Caleb's grilled cheese as well.
Ethan slept on the way home, which of course was very frusterating for me, I tried to make the move from the car to his crib, it didn't work but I left him in his crib just to see if he would fall back to sleep. No such luck. It was a really relaxing afternoon, instead of just trying to get the entire house cleaned Ethan and I did crafts and played together!
We did baths and bed, then I headed out to the garage to do all the garbage and recycling and shovel the driveway. Came in to watch Amazing Race and headed to bed!
We have already been to Postive Discipline this morning. So far I'm really enjoying the class. I think I'm doing a pretty good job with my discipline but I know you can never knwo too much. This class really just helps remind me of the things i should be doing. I will be the first to admit that sometimes I lose my cool.

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