We had our pediatrician's appointment on Tuesday, Tuesday night was Wyatt's worst night to date. I was so flipping angry. I was storming around, not trusting any doctor, exhausted and totally terrified everytime Wyatt would wake up because he was having trouble breathing. Wednesday morning Wyatt and I were exhausted but that was nothing a XL steeped tea couldn't fix. Wyatt coughs much less during the day and seemed to be doing a little better so we headed off to 'Mom's Morning Out'. The Crock-a-Doodle lady came (paint-pots), Wyatt layed on the floor with Ava and it was really fun and relaxing to just chill out and paint. I made a 'Cookies for Santa' plate.
We had to head into the city after to pick up Rhonda (the Honda). She was in getting some sort of rock sheild put on the front. We had a fully loaded 2010 Honda Accord for a courtesy car. I wasn't impressed. I sat so low to the ground, I felt like I was driving a nascar. And Wyatt's carseat really didn't fit well in it. Anyways I can't believe how much I missed the Van in only a short day. We stopped for a visit with Aunty Michelle and Cohan and then headed home.
While Ethan and I were eating dinner, Wyatt had a scary cough, not-breathing moment. I paniced and just ran over and grabbed him. I didn't have a clue what I cold do, so I just rubbed his back. He seemed to get over it quite quickly and went back to his normal self. It totally freaked me out and I didn't really know what to do (Do I go to the emergency or not). I decided to not go, Wyatt was in my arms smiling, i'm sure I wouldn't be taken seriously. So I decided that if it happened again I would call my pediatrician (they have a doctor on call all the time). Thankfully things have gotten better. Wyatt only woke up twice last night, We are still taking both inhalers, tomorrow will be the last day for one of them. If Wyatt is still coughing I plan on taking him back to the pediatrician and/or try to get another opinion from another pediatrician.
This morning we woke up and headed out to 'Tick, Tock Time'. This is a drop in singing/play class. Ethan is so musical. Dancing and singing are really his thing. Anyways he really wasn't too interested in the singing part today but had a great time playing. When I woke up this morning it was SNOWING. I was pretty annoyed, the weather has been getting warmer and I was really hoping it would melt the snow. But by this afternoon it had stopped snowing and the mountains of snow are melting nicely. We went for a short walk, Ethan wasn't in the mood to do much of anything so we just made dinner, Ethan asked to go to sleep at 6:50 (i'm not going to argue with that). So I brushed his teeth and put him to sleep, he fell asleep instantly. So I figured if Ethan was asleep I may as well put Wyatt to sleep, so both kids were sleeping by 7!!
There is something about the big green chair that we have in front of the TV, the second I sit down my motivation to do ANYTHING just goes out the window (and not anything, I still have plenty of motivation to run downstairs and make some kettle corn).
Tomorrow we are going to another drop-in play class then heading to the South to go to the Gap. I have only two pairs of jeans (both maternity jeans). I was hoping I could wear my maternity jeans until my muffin top dissappeared, but my jeans have thought otherwise. There are two GIANT holes in them, so tomorrow I will purchase myself a pair of real jeans. Workouts have been few an far between these days, i'm just so exhasuted, but I loved the walk we went on today so if the nice weather keeps up, hopefully I can get some more exercise!
Love the green shirt pics! Miss you guys!