Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 29th

We were SO busy yesterday that it wasn't until this morning that I realized that yesterday was Wyatt's 6 MONTH birthday! WOW, sick months already! I can't believe it, time is flying! Wyatt still seems so young to me. When Ethan was 6 months he just seemed older. Wyatt is just learning to sit up on his own, he is still pretty flopy but he's getting it. He is an all-star eater (I never had any doubts about his eating skills). So far he has loved everything we have given him except carrots, those made him gag! He LOVES mum mums and can polish two off in a matter of minutes! He can roll, but he doesn't do it too often. His sleeping patterns have taken a turn for the worse. I put him down at 7 and he usually wakes up between 12 and 1 and is then up two or three more times till morning. I don't need too much sleep to function so I can handle it.! So HAPPY 1/2 Birthday to my Wyatt!
Yesterday was our first 'meet' for our Little Peanuts COnsignment business. We met down in the South Edmonton Common, everyone who said they were going to come, came and picked up their things. We are using our earnings from 'Little Peanut' to take a trip to somewhere tropical!! (Originally it was just going to be Virginia and I going on this holiday but Kelly and Richard didn't seem to think that was fair so now we will have to save a little bit more money to bring them along). Mom and Dad, please be prepared for a one week holiday with your two beautiful grandsons!
After the meet we did our usual Ikea for lunch. Maureen, Nolan and RIchard met us there. Virginia had a few things to do in the city so I offered to take Caleb. We were heading to Michelle and Cohan's house for a walk. So we utilized the back row of Rhonda for the first time. I looked in the rear-view mirror and could see three children staring back at me. haha it was quite funny. Our plan with Michelle and Cohan was to go for a walk. Of course when we got there all THREE of the kids I had pooped. So before we could leave I had to do a marathon diaper change. After that was finish and I had fed Wyatt I put Caleb and Ethan into the double Bob and strapped Wyatt into the baby bjorn. Michelle said I was quite the sight!! It was one heck of a workout though!
Last night I had an Epicure/Discovery toys party at a friends house. The plan was to leave Ethan with Richard and bring Wyatt. Wyatt fell asleep before we left so Virginia and I left all four children with Ricahrd! It was an AWESOME night! NO kids, exceptional wine, yummy treats good conversations! At 11:20 we thought we'd better get home (Wyatt sometimes wakes up around then). Sure enough when we walked in the door, there was Richard bouncing with Wyatt!! We took off for home.
I'm having a heck of a time keeping the house clean. My goal for the week was to clean the house every night before I went to bed. I had been doing well but when we are busy I usually just crash around, feed the kids, throw the dishes in the sink, the toys are out, there are clothes everywhere, literally the house is a tornado. It is my mission to tackle this tornado this afternoon (crossing my fingers the kids sleep longer than normal!)

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