Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The sun is out, it is 16 or 17 degrees, the perfect day for my first 'outside' run. I have been running at the tri throughout the winter. I had done a few 10kms and felt great. I took off strong and it slowly deterioated. It was a death run, my gosh running on the track vs running outside is so very very different. I was huffing and puffing within minutes.

The wind was blowing, the sun beating down on me. Cars were flying by and the road, which looks to be flat, is actually a very slight incline.... keep on running. I'm not one to ever stop and walk, so when I got lost in the maze of walking trails, my 30 minute run quickly jumped to a 50 minute run. On the way home I kept hoping for a red light so I could have a break, but no, as I approached every intersection the "walk' sign lite up and told me to just keep running!

As I was crossing one road I saw a car speeding towards me, clearly the man wasn't paying attention, so instead of sprinting to the otherside of the road, I stopped in the middle of the road, threw my hands up in the air and mouthed "WHAT THE HECK". He slammed on the breaks. Pfft.... that will show you for not paying attention.

Anyways i'm home now and wondering why on earth i'm going to let myself train for another half marathon. I just have to keep reminding myself that running is what makes me lose weight...

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