Monday, February 7, 2011

Sick Kids, Sick Mom and of course Fabian!

Well last night was rough. Wyatt had been coughing all day but once he was in his crib it got way worse. He coughed for at least two hours straight, sometimes coughing until he started choking. This really worries me because last time this happened I brought him in and he ended up having pnemonia. I picked him up, he was still sleeping (or trying to), there were tear marks coming out of his eyes, clearly in pain. I brought him into my room and had him sleep on my stomach, he was very comfortable, fell right to sleep and slept for at least an hour peacefully. He woke up screaming, not too happy to be out of his crib, so we headed back that way. He fell back to sleep but was coughing all night. So I will have to bring him in today, hoping the doctor can squeeze us in, otherwise it is off to the emergency room we go.

I currently have a migraine, I have been up for most of the night, I just can't sleep through the coughing. Not too sure how i'm going to get through the day. I think this morning calls for an XL steeped tea from Tim Horton's (hopefully on our way to the doctor).

Ethan has just a small cough, but my gosh his nose is revolting. Just keeps coming and coming. I had to go buy three extra boxes of tissue. The only time it isn't running is when I haven't wiped it in a while and it has built up a crust to hold it all in (gross right). Ethan has always been a good sleeper but his being sick he pretty much sleeps more than he is awake. Yesterday I had to wake him up from his NAP at 6:00. I put him to bed at 8 and he fell right to sleep.

Then there is Fabian. I am just doing my best to keep him alive before the surgery. He won't eat anything. I've been blending his food into a very runny soup. Won't eat it, so I went and bought some food with extra gravy. Fabian just licks the gravy off, so I bought some 'cats milk'. He will eat this but this is all he has been eating for the last two days and he doesn't go in until tomorrow. All this being said I haven't seen him this morning, hopefully he is still breathing somewhere.

Let the day begin....

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