Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Valentine's Day Blues

Valentine's Day 2011
Valentine's Day Morning, Kelly hard at work making heart-shaped pancakes. Delicious!

Good Morning Ethan! Ethan with his Valentine's Day gifts!

Valentine's Day Wyatt!

Our little Fabe-cat, not doing so well...

Opening presents!!


Kelly with his gift from Ethan, isn't it beautiful!

The boys!

Yum-- the pancakes!


Wyatt and I, self-portrait, didn't turn out too well.

Me and the boys.

For me, Valentine's Day was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. We didn't have much planned so it wasn't as though I was expecting something grand, it is just so many things about yesterday were really tough.
We started out well, Kelly got up and made cute heart shaped pancakes, the kids opened their gifts and all was well. It kind of went down hill from there. Wyatt started his usual crying escapade and Ethan was walking around with his boots and jacket on, clearly ready to leave.

So we went and did a few things. I finally got Wyatt's birth certficiate and we went to the Tri Leisure because the incompetant lady on the phone would not book my daycare for me. The ladies in the daycare were quite annoyed that the uselss lady at the front desk didn't do it for me. And i was a little annoyed that I actaully had to make a trip to the TRI to book my daycare. ANYWAYS. Ethan got a Booster Juice gift certificate from Granny and Grandad so we bought him a 'JUICE' and he was happy. We let him have a good play at the playgym before we decided to head home for lunch.
I quickly whipped up some grilled cheese for everyone, Ethan went down for a nap and Kelly was off to the vet with Fabian. Things with Fabian aren't going well, he isn't eating and his entire mouth is infected. The vet is keeping him for two days to try to get him to eat, he has lost a pound in a week, he weighs only 8 pounds and when we got him he weighed 15. Kelly and I are so torn as to what to do. Seeing that we already made such a big investment with his teeth, so just have him die now would kind of be a waste, but then how long do you keep going? Kelly has a soft spot for him today because last night while we were watching the Grammy's Fabian sat on Kelly's lap for about four hours.
Anyways both the kids were awake by 3, Kelly came home with not-so-great news from the vet, Wyatt was screaming uncontroablbly and nothing we could do would calm him down, Ethan was also screaming, he wasn't upset, just screaming. This is where I lost my cool, just started crying. I was upset about the cat, and I just felt that I couldn't do it. I couldn't deal with my kids. Kelly was threatening to work for 21 days (not because he wants to but because of the car and the cat he may have to) All I want is one day off, but of course I can't because i'm breastfeeding (not sure if you know but I LOATHE breastfeeding... but that is an entirely different rant-style blog in itself). Anyways so I went on a big escapade about moving back to Courtenay so that could be closer to my parents for help. (Even found a very nice home for us to move to).
Half an hour later I was for the most part over being upset. We were off to the city to check out a vehicle. We bought a tea (they always make me feel better) for the road. Traffic was insane and what was supposed to be a 40 minute drive took about and hour and a half. Ethan for some reason was picking at his teeth, at one point I looked back at him and he had picked his teeth so much the gums were bleeding. He wasn't crying or anything, just perhaps trying to pick something out of there?

We finally get to where we are going. We were looking at a van, the van itself was in MINT conidition and pretty much brand new. We had a really good look, then hopped back in the truck. On the way home both Kelly and I we very unimpressed with the Van. While it was great in terms of size, and it was imaculate, it just felt so cheap, it was the bare minimum for everything and it had a bench seat in the middle (just two seats) and I would prefer two bucket seats. While we were looking at it I asked the man about the rear-facing toddlers seat and if there was lots of room for that. The man told me that once a child gets to 24 pounds they automatically go forward. I aruged with him for awhile, because I KNOW this isn't the case, then I just decided that this guy thought he knew everything and I was going to lose the argument or get really grumpy, so I just left it. Kelly wants to keep the mazda now, as well as a new vehicle. To me that makes no sense, we never drive more than one vehicle, we might as well sell the car and get a better quality vehicle. Kelly spent the evening on the internet looking at reviews and other cars.

Anyways we both got home feeling kind of defeated, we were kind of hoping that this was going to work out. We were all starving, I had made scalloped potatoes and ham in the slow cooker. I put it in at 2 but I put it on low because I wasn't sure how long we were going to be. They weren't cooked. So we turned it on high and made something entirely different for Ethan. Something is up with Ethan's teeth he coudln't eat toast without having pain in his mouth. So i'm not sure what is up with us and dental but right now between me, the cat and Ethan (oh and Wyatt is possibly teeth) we don't have a great track record.

I was chilled, like FREEEEEEZING so I went and stood in a burning hot shower for 45 minutes then fell asleep for a couple hours. I had a headache (which continued all night) but I'm feeling a bit better now. I got up around 9 and we watched the Bachelor. At 11:30 last night I made heart shaped jello jigglers and sugar cookies then was off to bed.

So that was our Valentine's Day. Kelly brought me beautiful roses and a bottle of wine, we were going to have the wine last night but I just felt so sick that all I could drink was gingerale. So the wine is heading into the cupboard for another time.

1 comment:

  1. Aw Les that does sound like a tough day, wish I could be there to help out here and there. Stay strong you have a great team out there in your family.Love those three men like crazy and take long hot showers whenever needed.
