Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eye Goobers

Wyatt all set to take on the day!
Ethan and Claire at Ikea, for some reason today the kids meals were FREE! SO lunch was only $3 for all of us!

Aunty Claire and Wyatt

Fabian and Charlie doing their best to get along, infact Fabian has been far less annoying than normal. Perhaps we just need another cat to keep him occupied!

Bath time for Wyatt

Aunty Claire with the boys!

Wyatt in his very cute Adidas outfit from Grandad (shoes included)

Ethan woke up this morning with huge big eye goobers, Kind of gross, his eyes were totally glued shut, clearly he has some sort of an infection. So he has his eye goobers, then add a steady stream of snot running down hit nose and you have one gooey little boy! I have made him a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning.

The plan for today was to head to Ikea. Claire had big dreams of going home with a ton of new furniture, unfortunately everything she wanted to buy was out of stock. So we headed to Home Sense in attempts to make up for the Ikea trip! We were very successful at Home Sense, what a great store. I found the PERFECT chair for our living room, but I thought it would be wise to ask Kelly before making a large purchase on my mastercard.

We made our way home, we put up the decals, Ethan fell asleep, he didn't wake up until 6 and only because I went in and got him. He was exhasuted, hopefully tomorrow he will be back to his good old self! We made a delicious dinner, I didn't expect Ethan to eat a thing but Claire and I both stared at Ethan in shock when he lifted up his spoon and took a bite of vegetable rice! WAHOOOOO perhaps this whole food strike thing is over.... maybe, don't want to speak too soon.

So tonight was bath night, Each of us took a kid. I got stuck with Ethan because he had just used the facilities in his diaper... dang... I am trying to put Wyatt to bed earlier and earlier. Last night I put him to bed at 9:30 and he woke up at 8:30. I'm trying 8:30 tonight but he is currently extremely upset with me and crying.

It is clean the house night, so far I cleaned the entire downstairs, put all the toys away, the first thing Ethan did when he got up from his nap was turn his entire box of cars upside down on the floor.....

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