Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Little Baby is Growing up!

Last night was Wyatt's first night in his own room in his own crib. I moved Ethan into his crib right on his 2 month birthday. Wyatt's two month birthday was on the 29th and I was still feeling a little nervous about the big move, I mean he is still so small. But yesterday was January 1st and I thought it was a good time to send him off to his own room. So I got everything set up, sat in my glider and finally got him to sleep around 12:30. He looked so teeny in his giant crib. I had the monitors set on the loudest possible, and I went in and checked on him probably three times before I felt I was ok to head to bed myself. I woke up at 5 with a migraine, so I checked on him then too, sleeping away. Wyatt slept from 12:30 until 7:45 then I fed him and he didn't wake up again until 11.
At 11 I gave Wyatt a quick feed and left the boys with Kelly and headed to the gym. I ran 8km, it almost killed me but i'm happy to say I did it. Usually there aren't too many runners at the track but today there were three or four ladies there running, I didn't want to feel slow so I took it upon myself to pass each and every one of them everytime they were infront of me (even after I had lapped them). This may be the reason that I thought I was going to die by the end of my 35th lap. I've figured it out to be 92 laps for a half marathon, so I'm a third of the way there!
When I got home Wyatt was still sleeping and Ethan was just creating a disaster in the living room. We were supposed to be going skating with the Enn's family at 1:30 so I had to hussle everyone along to get out the door on time. We piled into the car, put the kids in, the stroller in the trunk and we needed to bring the sleigh for Ethan. Kelly informs me that the sleigh will not fit in the trunk or the backseat so it had to be on my lap in the front seat. I quickly took the keys and told Kelly that infact the sleigh would have to go on his lap. So I drove and he squished in with the sleigh on his lap, clearly uncomfortable. We fought about a new car the entire way to the skating rink.
Skating was great, I forgot that it had snowed last night, I just assumed that the snow would have been cleared off the ice. But it wasn't, there were a few guys there with shovels but there were big piles of snow everywhere. We pulled Ethan, he enjoyed himself for all of 10 minutes then insisted that he was done and it was time to go home. He played on the playground for awhile then we went home.
We were all out of food in the house so we headed out to Costco, we were expecting it to be super busy but it was really quiet! I FINALLY found a nice toybox to condense and hide the mess of crap all over the living room floor. We bought enough food/dipaers and wipes to sink a ship! We spent a fortune and Kelly hardly said a word. I was somewhat impressed!!
So we pay for our items and head back to the car. We didn't bring a stroller so the trunk would be free for all the groceries. We packed everything in, everything except my cubed shaped toybox that again wouldn't fit in the trunk or the backseat. So please picture this..... You are driving down the road, you look at the car next to you and see a GIANT box in the front seat, upon closer inspection you see a poor beautiful women wedged between the GIANT box and the carseat, she can't see out the front window and is clearly in pain. Well my friends, that person was ME! If we had crashed I would have been a goner, the airbag wouldn't have even opened. TO make matters even worse, we somehow picked a cart that had BBQ sause all over it, thus it was all over the box, meaning, yes it was all over Kelly and I. Wonderful.
Our drive home was eventful... the roads were TERRIBLY slippery, our lights were filthy so we couldn't see anything, we were ALL over the road, and we were on the Yellowhead, a very busy highway. Things were so slippery and we then discovered that one of our tires was flat.... so we had to pull over, Kelly checked it out and said it was ok for a little bit, so we drove on and got off at Acheson. At that point Kelly thought he was going to have to change the tire on the side of the road. (I did mention that my father taught me to change a tire....). Anyways he looked again and said it was just very low and so we powered on. We putted along 16A going about 60, cars were flying by us, again it was super icy. THEN it happened, Kelly said "Leslie, your right, this car is really shitty in the snow". WHAT?!? I've been telling him this for months..... I wasn't lying just to get a new car! So Kelly has been searching autotrader on the internet all night. I'm certainly glad he has seen the light.
Our house is also experienceing a strange symptom. For some reason it REEEKS like HOTDOG? What the heck? We have NEVER eaten hotdogs in this house.... We searched everything and can't seem to find the source, we are still looking!

1 comment:

  1. HAHA Hot Dog house! Weird! Hope you find a new car/suv soon! and High Five on your 8km run. I am currently hacking up a lung, and blowing my nose like crazy.... boo colds boo.
    Love ya!
