Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lots and Lots of SNOW

So here is the deal... I LOVE the snow! I think it beautiful, peaceful and I just love it. I really don't mind staying inside when it is a blizzard outside... but only for one or two days. The problem with our road is that it is on an incline. So even if it stops snowing tomorrow, until the plow comes through our road or until enough people have driven on our road to flatten it out we are STUCK. Last time it snow the plow didn't come for two weeks, thanksfully it took about 5 days for the road to be plowed down enough from cars for me to escape.
It has been snowing since yesterday at 12 and is supposed to snow until tomorrow. We have another good foot and a half two feet of snow. I shovelled last night, but of course woke up for a foot of snow over my driveway. The only time I can shovel is at 6 am (before both the kids are awake) or 12 at night (after both the kids are asleep). So today some really nice kids came to the door, they were doing a fundraiser and asked to shovel my driveway for 15 bucks. They were so friendly and nice and it was about 11:00 so I wasn't going to be able to get out until late tonight when there was bundles of snow, so I said ok. There was a whole team of them and they had it done in like 10 minutes! It was awesome, Ethan had fun watching them at the door. I think it is the perfect job for him and his little friends when he is older! I see that a few of our neighboors have snowblowers, i'm wondering why they haven't
a) come and asked to do my driveway for me
b) snow blowed the road :)

I watched from my bedroom window a minivan attempt to get up the road, they made several attempts with people pushing, no luck. Convinces me more that I need an all-wheel drive. I'm not sure snowtires would cut it and this is our second really big snowfall of the year.

So the kids and i played all morning, Ethan had his crayons and playdough out, Wyatt has been sleeping most of the day. Last night I put him down at 10:30 and he slept until 7:30, he woke up, and I fed him and he was asleep until 11.

A few friends are braving the snow to come over for company!!

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