Well it snow all night again last night. Ethan woke up crabby, and well so did Wyatt. Ethan just was a huge grump, whining and crying all morning. I put Wyatt in his bouncy chair and put him in front of the window, I told Ethan to watch me out the other window. I was heading out to shovel the driveway. My kids are just so darn cute. Everytime I looked in the window Wyatt was just sitting there flapping and Ethan was in the other window sitting with his blanket watching and waving. Only once did I look up and see Ethan almost sitting on Wyatt, dropped the shovel, ran into the house, moved Ethan and headed back out to finish the driveway. Virginia called around 11 and asked if we wanted to head out to OUAC. Clearly Ethan NEEDED to get out of the house, Richard was home and was taking Caleb swimming so we figured that Wyatt's carseat would just fit between Ava and Ethan. So it was set, we were heading out.
Well Plan A didn't work, the carseat did NOT fit in Virginia's car. SO Plan B.... attempt to take the car. So put Wyatt in the car and backed out probably a foot out of the driveway... STUCK... PLAN B =FAIL. Some guys working on the house across the street pushed me back into the driveway. At this point i'm sure most of you are thinking "Why don't you just stay at home"... well my friends it is one thing to stay at home because you want to relax, but when you are TRAPPED in the house with two screaming children you NEED to leave. So PLAN C..... Leave Ethan in Virginia car and put Wyatt in the truck. (To do this the passenger seat needs to be RIGHT up to the dashboard). OK SUCCESS we made it out with not issues at all. We were on our way!
I was looking for two things at Once Upon a Child.... Long sleeve shirts and onesies for Wyatt (When Ethan was Wyatt's age it was the summer so all of his onesies are short-sleeved and not suitable for -30 degree weather). I was also looking for some shirts for Ethan. They have nothing at all for Ethan's size. I found one shirt, there was TONS of selection for Wyatt's size. I loaded up, used my coupon and a visa gift card I got for Christmas. So the damage wasn't too bad! Very impressed with myself.
When we got home I put Ethan up for a nap, I put Wyatt in the window and headed out to shovel the next dump of snow. I decided I would attempt to put Ethan's carseat in the truck because we have a few appointments we need to get to in the next week and I don't think the car will be moving anytime soon. It really wasn't fun to get it in there but I did it. Ethan has about 2 cm between the back of the seat and his feet. I can feel him kicking me while we are driving. I also have to sit on a 90 degree angle which is very uncomfrablte. At least we are able to get out of the house and I feel much safer being in the truck. We will have to move back to the car once Kelly gets home because the passenger seat is not available. The car is currently sitting in the driveway (not the garage) because when I attempted to move it into the garage it wouldn't budge. I made several attempts then just turned it off, slammed the door and gave up.
By the time I went in Ethan was awake, Wyatt was crying and the cat was meowing as loud as I have ever heard him. I had him trapped downstairs because he wouldn't eat his food and wanted a new can, so I trapped him in the basment with his full can from this morning. Usually when I trap him in the basement he finally gets so hungry he eats the food, but he only does that when Kelly is home. When it is me he knows that I will get SO COMPLETELY annoyed with his nails on a chalk board meow that I will just open up another tin. Fabian drives me completely mental but I really do appreciate the companionship in the evenings.
It is so unbelieveably cold outside right now, the truck had zero gas in it, and for some reason I thought I would be warm enough to pump gas without gloves, my gosh my hands were BURNING by the time I put $85 dollars in the gas guzzling purple truck named Karen. Apparently on Thursday there is a low of -38! Come to think of it, I didn't plug in the truck tonight. Awesome....
I'm wide awake, can't sleep, it is snowing again outside .... and I am addicted to Tim Horton's Steeped Tea.
Haha I didn't know who the deuce you were talking about... Karen :P