Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crash, Bang, FREAKOUT...

ohh today....

Lets start at the very early hour Ethan woke up today, 6:30, since my no waking up before 8 rule is completely out of the picture I let him crash around in his crib until 7, then I went and retrieved my very awake boy.

We had a pretty low-key morning, watch Biggest Loser, had a nap, vaccuumed the house, then in was time for groceries. I usually LOVE getting groceries, wandering up and down each isle looking to be inspired for meal ideas. Today however was different, i only had a short time frame, We needed to be back for lunch or Ethan would lose it. So off we went, Ethan has really discovered his voice, he likes to scream (not scream because he's crying) but scream because it is fun... not to mention incredibily loud and annoying, so as I crashed around Superstore, Ethan was scream in his top lungs, just for fun!

We unload all the groceries into the car and head home. Well we had to park in the underground parking (becuase our realtor has our outside key). So I LUG Ethan in one arm and three extremely heavy bags in the other, no circulation in the hand with the bags, i'm sweating and we make to the condo and I plan to jus tplunk Ethan in his highchair and head back down for the rest of the stuff, so I put him in the highchair and give him some goldfish crackers, while he was eating them and before I decided to go back to the car I had a vision of Ethan choking on the crackers while I was gone. So I take him out of the highchair and we head back down to the car for the rest of grocieries (I might note that we pass two very capable men on our way back up who did NOT offer to help). So men, if you see a woman struggling with groceries and a baby, offer to help!

SO finally, unpack all the groceries, check the messages. Our realtor has called and said we have someone who wants to make an offer on our place (the offer depends on who our management company is). So I called her back and let her know our managment company, and OF COURSE it was the ONE company the buyer didn't want, so NO offer. I do agree though, the managment company here SUCKS!

I continue on, making Ethan and myself lunch. Last night I went to a movie and left Kelly and Ethan to fend for themselves and apparently there was NOTHING for the baby or Kelly to eat, so i figured since i'm not working and technically am a house wife (granted i'm not very good at it). I decide I'm going to make muffins, cookies, meatballs and chilli so we will never be without food! So as i'm trying to get the darn muffin pan out of our very small and crammed stove drawer I drop about four pans, it makes a huge noise and Ethan starts crying, oh dear i'm sweating again. How is all this so stressful, isn't this all supposed to be easy...... Very quickly realizing that I wasn't cut out to be domesticated.

Now that i've taken a small break, sat on the couch, enjoyed a few mini eggs, pat the cat and given Ethan a cuddle i'm ready again to tackle our three foot by three foot kitchen and begin cooking.....

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