Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sick and Tierd of being Sick and Tierd!

So it is the strangest thing, When Ethan wakes up he usually is in a good mood for about two hours and then he starts to lose it and all i can think about is getting him into bed for a nap and some ME time. But then he falls asleep for an hour and a half and I find myself missing him, bored and wanting him to wake up.

It is a blizzard again today, which I don't mind at all, just means I can't go for a walk (which is good and bad). I've been completely exhausted and sick lately, not so much that I can't do anything just enough that it puts a small damper on my day! So I guess the weather describes my sickness. If it was sunny out today I would be FORCED to be actaive and sunshiney bright!

On Sunday I went grocery shopping and it ended up being $250 for a week? Doesn't that seem like a HUGE amount for two people and a mini man? How much should weekly groceries cost for a family our size? On the plus side of the expensive groceries, if you spend more than $200 dollars at Superstore you get something for free, so this week was a giant Spiral Ham. So that is nestled nicely in our fridge, it will feed an army, not sure when i'm going to cook that!

I am a Wheel of Fortune junkie, I watch everynight while i'm feeding Ethan to sleep, last night they had a prize of a vacation to the Turks and Caicos, it looked gorgeous and it is different than all of the regular hot spots. So I have decided that Kelly and I will go there for our honeymoon. Unfortunately it can't be for at least a year and half, we need to save. I'm still very exciting. I'm craving a vacation!

Well little buddy is up, fruffling in his crib!

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