Monday, March 22, 2010


So i've come to the realization that I am not as good as I thought I would be with writing blogs. I thought it would be alot easier to come on everyday and write about my day.... Oh well I will keep trying.

So on the news last week a man in Calgary was cleaning under his TV stand and when he moved the TV stand there was a SNAKE... like a yucky orange poisonous one. It wasn't his, it had been a neighbors and somehow gotten into his place. So that got me thinking, last summer one day Kelly looked out and turned around and said "DON'T Look outside". Not thinking that there was going to be a freaking SNAKE outside I looked and on one of the trees twisted all around a little tree was like a freaking python (well I don't know the exact type) but it was like 7 feet long and like thicker than my upper arm at it its thikest (which is pretty big.. i have muscle arms..hehe). There was a group of people around it just chilling out. WHAT THE HELL? What kind of crazy people are living in my building, or were they just visitors who brought their disgusting pet snake for a visit? SERIOUSLY, who does that? And who has a pet freaking snake.... SICK SICK SICK.

So since that day I've convinced myself that the owners of that hunk of reptile lived in the condo next door and it has always freaked me out that it could get in. It is weird so many people in Alberta have snakes for pets, I don't get it? They aren't cuddles, they are gross little mutants that slither around... I can't wait to get outta this place so my mind will be at peace that there will not be a gross snake attempting to break into my house.

Anyways in other news we went to check out this little town called Wabamun yesterday, it was a teeny tiny little town but quite cute, there is a huge mill of some sort and the train goes RIGHT though town. But it is right on a SWIMMABLE lake... kind of unheard of in this part of Alberta (Granted there was a sign up saying that the lake does get the itch so it is doubtful that I would siwm in there). We took a bunch of pictures and I realized how fun it is to explore all the little places around here. SO we are planning another adventure for next week!

I'm babysitting again today, Serioulsy, my life is so much easier with two little guys, they keep each other occupied for hours, when Ethan is alone he gets so bored and wants me to play with him, I've never had the house so clean as it is when I watch Nolan. I don't leave the house, but they both go down for two naps so I do a workout while they sleep! It snowed quite a bit over night last night,I thought about heading out to the swings this afternoon but that plan has been bamboozled!

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