Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Home is where the Heart is!

Everynight before Kelly and I go to sleep we sneak into Ethan's room, stand beside his crib and watch him sleep for a few minutes. It seems like such a little thing but when I stand there and look at our little creation it makes me smile, he is such a character, even when he sleeps, he has his body in the strangest position, he hates blankets so we always cover him up. He has all of his toys and blankets thrown all over the crib from when he plays before he falls asleep. He looks so peaceful and incredibly adorable.

I always complain about our little condo but it will be so strange to move out of here, this was Ethan's first home, a small one but still a home. It will be wonderful to move into somewhere that is more appropriate for Ethan but still very bittersweet to leave. We spent so long getting Ethan's little room in our condo all set for his arrival, and although it is small we have really made it work for us!

I was talking to a friend last night about how much I love Alberta (a year and a half ago you would never hear me say those words). And although Alberta (or the part we live in) isn't that pleasing to the eyes, or the fact that it is either freezing cold or WAY too hot, with very few places to swim. I think it is the friends and the memories that we have made here that make Stony Plain (and soon to be Spruce Grove) home! At this point in my life, given the chance to move back to the island, I wouldn't. I know Kelly would disagree, he is still obsessed with BC. Don't get me wrong, i love BC, i grew up there and all of my family are there. But now when I go visit, it is just a visit, and I am alwayss happy to get home! Besides it rains WAY too much in BC......

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