Sunday, October 24, 2010


We woke up late this morning, well I should say Ethan and Kelly woke up late this morning, my hands were numb and tingling all night so I was up bright and early. It is dark here until about 8:30 -9. I love it though, everything seems so much more relaxed. We took our time and made some pancakes, hung out for awhile. Got a call from Virginia saying she was heading to the hospital, I was excited, that would give me something to do tonight, so visit the new baby. But turned out to be a false alarm (seems to be a growing trend among us pregnant people). Ethan started to get cabin fever around 10:30 so I thought it would be a good idea to head outside for a run. Ethan really likes the 'Dog Rump' Park in Stony so we went there.
It was so freaking freezing, We bundled Ethan up pretty well, but I was unaware of the windchill factor. Kelly and I were freezing, me mostly because nothing fits me and I just had one of Kelly's hoodies on. I think we stayed for about half an hour, Ethan had a blast, Kelly and I just froze. It felt like a day on the 'Westcoast', wet, windy, and just plain cold.
We came home and had a delicious lunch and put Ethan down for a nap. Kelly continued painting and finished! The room looks great, but so far there is just one crib and one dresser in it. It could use a few more things to make it look less boring. I'm working on it. I had a small nap, and I could hear Ethan crying from his crib after only half an hour of sleeping. I was having none of this, i chose to ignore and as I suspected he went back to sleep for another hour and a half.
I took some meat out for dinner but I was just too plain lazy to cook it (I was thinking tacos). SO we went to East Side Mario's for dinner. My gosh, what a mess. We get there, OUT of highchairs. Seriously? This is a family restaurant and it is Sunday night. Yet, we chose to stay. We waited half an hour for our drinks, Ethan by this time was getting a little anxious and hungry, Where is our free bread? We as the manager for our drinks, she didn't seem like a nice person and seemed like just someone on a power trip, all proud that she was the manager of the restaurant. Anwyay finally get our drinks and bread. At this point i'm sure our food is going to have spit in it. Spit, or no spit I was starving so I scarfed down my entire meal (I chose something very spicy to try to induce far no such luck). Ethan ate everything in sight, when we put him in the carseat his stomach was hard as a rock. That's my boy. It ended up taking two hours to eat dinner at a restuarnt that should take about an hour.... anyways, I was satisfied. Came home and had like a half an hour long shower, i was so cold.
We just watched the Amazing Race, i'm ready for bed! Here is to hoping that the next four days go by super quickly!

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