Sunday, October 31, 2010

Home for Halloween

Wyatt Ronald Rogers first breaths, screaming away. 'Wyatt' means 'little Warrior'. Kelly's name means 'Warrior'. Ronald of course is my dad's name.
Getting a good look at Wyatt in the recovery room.

Wyatt and his big brother Ethan, Dad and Grandad.

Me and my new little boy!

Here he is, he doesn't look anything like Ethan to me, I thought they might look similar, but to me they look quite different.

Wyatt and Grandad Q.

Granny with Wyatt, finally took him out of the awful hospital clothes.

Ethan and Ava, Ava is two days older than Ethan. Ava is Virginia's little girl!

A tierd look daddy, but a very peaceful little Wyatt.

My little pumpkin on Halloween.

Cohan came for a visit in his Halloween outfit!

All set to go home, he really doesn't look to happy about it, but right now both him and Ethan have been sleeping for two hours! I love my kids!

On Friday morning Kelly and I arrived at the hosptial at 7:30 for our C-section at 10:30. They admited us right away, brought us into a room in the labour and delivery area and immediately began prepping me for surgery. I surprisingly wasn't nervous, the IV went in, no freezing, no screaming I was super calm. They made me put my very unattractive blue hat on quite early, but anyways, About an hour later I was being pushed off into the OR. Kelly had to wait outside while they put the spinal in. I was shaking at this point (partly because it was freezing in the OR and partly because I was now incredibly nervous). I braved through two more needles, they strapped me down and I was immeidately frozen. They brought Kelly in, I didn't believe the anethesist that I was frozen and he looked at me, showed me this giant needle and said "I just stuck this in your stomach". I didn't feel a thing, next thing you know the operation had begun!
Wyatt Ronald Rogers was born at 10:35 am on Friday October 29, 2010. He weight 8 pounds 2 ounces and was 54 cm long. He came out screaming, which was a big releif. When Ethan was born he didn't cry right away, I like to hear them! They showed me him quickly, then whisked him away to get check out. They brought him to me one more time to have a look at him before him and Kelly headed to the Recovery room. Wyatt was what they call 'Frank Breech', meaning his feet were up by his head and if an attempt to delivery naturally was made his bum would have been trying to go down the birth canal first.
Once I was all stitched up I met with Wyatt and Kelly in the recovery room. We were only in there for about 20 minutes. Wyatt had already started eating, so they wheeled me off to the postpartum ward. One the way I heard the nurse say I was in "#4". All that meant to me was that I was in a FREAKING ward. It was all full too... booo. Anyways I sucked it up, this just meant that Kelly wouldn't be able to spend the night to help me. Wyatt and I had tons of visitors in the hosptial, it was so nice!

Night one was challenging. I was still drugged so that helped with the pain, but between my cathetar, my IV pole, getting out of bed to gather my crying child, it was tough, we didn't get too much sleep that night. Wyatt was up most of the night, didn't want me to let him go, so I slept while I could, while holding him. The one girl across the ward from me snored like you wouldn't believe, I thought she was a man, it was disgusting and she chewed her ice with her mouth open, at one point I almost yelled across the room for her to SHUT UP, and I also let Wyatt cry just a little extra in attempts to disturb her snore. Didn't work. The other girl in the room had her family of four kids there until about 11, then was on the cellphone talking LOUDLY until 12. How completely rude. Anyways we made it throught the night and Kelly came nice and early to help us out. They brought me my delicious 'broth' for breakfast and lunch, I asked the nurse probably about 13 times if I could get a theme room and finally at about 2 she said one had opened up. I have never moved faster (well fast for someone who just had surgery).

Kelly stayed with me for night two, little Wyatt likes to be in close contact all night, he likes to be held. Not sure if this will stick once we are home, perhaps we just lucked out with Ethan, Mr Sleeper. Wyatt prefers to sleep during the day so far, and much less during the night. I was feeling really good (in comparison to my last C-section). THe recovery was going well, the nurses told me it was because I didn't do any labour this time. I asked the doctor about leaving a day early (originally slated to go home Monday). She said things were looking good, so this morning, eager to talk to the doctor, she came in, looked and me and said, yup your outta here. We packed up quickly and now we are home! Home in time to see Ethan in his Lion costume for Halloween :)

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