Friday, October 15, 2010


The title of this blog may scare you Kelly, but not to worry I got some great deals today and didn't go over budget :)
I felt like I haven't seen Ethan all day, I woke up bright and early, mostly because of our retarded cat who won't eat food that isn't from a "Fresh" tin. So he had food down there, but since he didn't see me open it he wouldn't eat it and decided to piss me off until I woke up. So Down I went, put the old food and the cat in the basement and shut the door.
I attempted to clean the house a little, finally unloaded the dishwasher (my least favorite chore) and did some dishes. At about 9:30, I was wondering when my son would wake up, I got a call from Michelle saying her and Cohan were just pulling up! It was a great surprise, and even better than Ethan wasn't up because that meant I got to hold the little guy!
Ethan didn't wake up until 10:10 so him and Cohan both enjoyed some breakfast and then we just relaxed, next thing you know it's 11:15! Ethan was very eagar to go for a run in the park, so we suited up. Michelle and Cohan went home and out we went, it was really sunny outside but SO freaking cold and windy. I think our walk lasted about 15 minutes before I decided that Kelly's hoody really wasn't cutting it and I was cold. So we trudged back and had some lunch, then it was nap time! Already!
Ethan fell asleep right away and didn't wake up until 3:45! I thought I should vaccuum, pick up toys and clean, instead I settled in on the couch and also had a good 1 and a 1/2 nap! It was perfect! I planned on going to the mall to buy Ethan's cousin her birthday present, by the time Ethan woke up it was pretty late, but we needed to leave the house, so off we went. It was SO fun! There are so many cute things out there for girls and the mall had the best sales. So I took full advantage. We stayed for a little more than an hour, by then Ethan was getting restless and My tummy was sticking out from under my shirt (and they have so many darn mirrors in the mall) that I decided it was time to go before I got really mad that I have no clothes that fit and spent a whole pile of money on maternity clothes that I would only wear for a week.
Of course once we were back on the road it was rush hour, I made the decision to turn a way we don't usually turn to see if it was faster, big mistake. Traffic was so backed up but considering they are doing construction on pretty much every road in Edmonton i'm sure the way I usually go would have been extremely backed up as well. Ethan was in good spirits again so I was very thankfull for that!
Tonight I am determined to clean! Yup... Ethan is asleep (well he's not asleep he is crashing around in his crib). I will start with the laundry... I'm really good at doing the laundry, I just hate folding and actaully putting away the laundry! I"ll see how far I get.

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