Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Doctor

This morning I had my 36 week check up. Everytime I visit the doctor I have to pee in a cup. The cup is this teeny tiny little thing and every week it gets harder and harder to pee in. They should just give you a troff! Anyways then I head in with the nurse to do my weight and Blood Pressure. I always tell the nurse that I don't want to know my weight and I stand backwards on the scale so I don't need to see.... I told her this again, but after she weight me she said it outloud! I was furious, and disgusted with myself at the same time. Obviously i'm not going to tell you home much I weight but since I started 10 pounds heavier (than my weight before Ethan) the number just seemed large.
The doctor did her usual thing, checked everything out, checked the baby's heart and felt to see if the head was down. She didn't feel the head so she went and got the ultrasound machine. As she had suspected my little guy is breech. So even if I do go into labour there is no way i'm having this baby naturally. She said the chances of him turning now are quite slim. So it would seem that I was destine to have another C-section.
I did an attempt at a nap this afternoon but Ethan chose to only sleep for 1 short hour. So my nap was cut short. Kelly was outside fixing my car (way to go Kel!) so Ethan needed to be occupied for an extended period of time today. So we set off for a walk, on the way back I thought about stopping at the playground but there were like 15 other mom's and kids there and I was too grumpy to have to be friendly incase one of them talked to me. (With this belly of mine it was a sure thing that at least one of them would ask when I was due). So we walked right by and went to the park across the street. Ethan had a bit of a run then we headed home. Virginia and Caleb came over for a visit (we couldn't leave because Kel was working on the car) so the kids had a good play. Bedtime now, time for some Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice! Wahoooo!

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