Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Made it to Tuesday!!!

I didn't sleep a wink last night, every time I move I wake myself up, i swear everytime I looked at the clock, one hour had passed, of course stupid Fabian started his meowing early (because I didn't give him a fresh tin last night, was hoping he'd finish off the half eaten one on the floor). But no, so up and adam bright and early once again.
My hands are giant, red and throbbing and my feet are uncontrollably itchy, my face is breaking out to the point where no amount of make up can cover it and my one pair of pants is getting awfully dirty:). But besides all of this today is a FABULOUS day! It is TUESDAY! And that means KELLY! WAHoooooo.
Kelly gets his usual week off, and because the baby is coming on a day that he would usually be working (that is ten days by the way) it means that he has to have THREE weeks off. Three weeks of HELP! Again BEST day ever. Westjet better have their act together tonight because if he is late, delayed or canceled the possiblity of tears is very great!
Ethan has started saying "Poop" everytime he has pooped. He only says after he has pooped but still a step in the right direction i'd say. Anyways, yesterday as I was making dinner Ethan had said poop (but I chose to ignore it for a minute and finish dinner). Anyways apparently it was really bugging him because noticed he has his hands down his pants. I'd forgotten he'd pooped but went to pull his hands out of the back of his pants. A gross motherly moment, little hand covered in poop. Up we go to change his diaper and wash his hand. Lesson learned, if he says he has pooped, change him immediately.
Ethan had a ball at 'Duck'. He was really into it, he was laughing the entire time, loves jumping off the wall into my arms, throwing the toys and kicking his feet. He even walked through the tunnel, which is a breakthrough for Ethan since all his previous attempts, he has made it but not without a sour face full of tears!
We have so many things to do before the new baby arrives, I have created a huge list which will no doubt keep Kelly busy for the entire three weeks he is here (He is only allowed to work on household tasks when Ethan is napping or down for the night). This is my unwritten rule. When Kelly is home I refuse to single parent it... haha.
We are off to "Ready, Set Play" this morning, I'm sure Ethan will be thrilled to be woken up, once he is up we will be all set!

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