This morning I woke up to a lovely blizzard. Well blizzard might be an exageration, but it was snowing, and sticking! Our first snowfall of the season. I wasn't feeling 100%, stomach ache, probably from the massive amount of food I had eaten the night before. I had to drag Kelly and Ethan out of bed and get them fed and ready for 'Duck'.
Am I ever glad I wasn't at 'Duck' today. Kelly said about half way through the class he smelt poop. He assumed it was one of the kids who had pooped in their swim diapers, then he said the smell got worse, and the next thing you know the whole pool was being evacuated. Kel said it was disgusting. Apparently one of the children who was SUPPOSED to be wearing a swim diaper was not. Kelly said their class was blowing bubbles in the water and Ethan was chewing on one of the pool toys. So completely nasty. Kelly said everyone made a mad dash to the hottub, so that means all the poo covered people have now contaminated the hottub. I'm not so sure how I feel about the cleanliness of the Tri Leisure Centre pool anymore. But apprently this happens quite often. Either way, I was a little timid to share a cup with Kelly for the rest of the day ;)
We had lunch early today, so we had some time before Ethan headed for a nap, we just hung out upstairs and I was paroooozing kijiji. I found a universal gym for $100 bucks. I thought it would be great for the basement when Kelly was away and I couldn't get to the gym. So I put Ethan to bed and sent Kelly out to pick it up. In the mean time, I still wasn't feeling all that well but thought that making peanut butter cookies would help. I would definately recommend peanut butter cookies to anyone with a stomach ache.
Kelly arrived home with not only the universal gym but a very classy (please note the sarcasm) eliptical trainer which he purchased for $20.
We made tacos for dinner, Ethan LOVED them, after bath, we thought we would keep Ethan up a little bit later tonight since he has now become afraid to go to bed for some reason. He was in the happiest mood, jumping and playing! We read some books, watched some Sesame Street videos and attempted bed. He only cried for a few minutes so apparnelty 7 is now too early for bed time (which makes my life just a little tougher for when Kelly is gone).
Kelly has been in the basement for a good two hours putting together this home gym. Our printer is broken so he keeps running up and down three flights of stairs to check the instructions he has found online. At least he is getting a workout :) I helped for awhile, I cleaned all the dust off it, vaccuumed the entire basement, then took a break on the couch. I had a great chat with my wonderful old roomie Heather, So much fun catching up!
Love the room color. :D Can't wait to see a baby in there. Not much time left to get things done! Can't believe how much you guys do every single day... I wish we lived closer so you could help motivate me to get out more, and get more stuff done.
Ya Les you do get things done!! IMPRESSIVE! and ps. that new baby room looks soooo awesome!! I love the colour, and you have matching sheets!! I LOVE SHEETS!!!! So great to talk to you LES! Miss ya big time, but I'm so excited for you and baby number 2!!!!! Love ya!