Not including today I have just 29 days (or less) left of being pregnant.... Am I going to make it? I'm not quite sure.
My hands have doubled in size, they are SO swollen I can hardly make a fist. My feet, same story, MASSIVE and because they are so swollen they are extremely, outta control itchy.
Thankfully the weather is gorgeous because I have only one pair of pants (which I wear daily). I have a few select shirts that actaully go over my torpedo, but i'm hesitant to purchase more, seems like a waste of money. I'm not sure where my belly will go in the next month. It seems to be fairly large and incharge.
My hands go numb when I sleep, the doctor says carpal tunnel. Fairly brutal, they are now even going numb during the day.
I can hardly get myself off of the couch, out of bed or move much at all. Going up the stairs or even for the smallest walk takes my breath away, I can hardly breath.
I go to the washroom at least 4 times an hour 24 hours a day. I am ALWAYS HOT, sweating all the time, but then freezing cold in the morning.
I'm not sure how much weight I've gained (but I know it is alot)... I choose to stand backwards on the scale at the doctors so I don't need to see the devastaion. The doctor has told me to do my best to avoid further weight gain. Thanks for the tip. I'll just head out for a run.... yah good one.
We had a small scare the other day. (To leave out too many details) I thought my water had broekn. I did what I always do for answers, went to the good people of google. They suggested I hang out an just wait and see what eles happened. Well nothing eles happened, no labour or other signs. So I continued on, had a shower, went swimming the next day. Then I realized that the baby hadn't moved much since the incident. So I made an appointment. Went in, they seemed a little perturbed that I didn't come in right away. They checked for amniotic fluid but said it could be skewed because I had a shower and went swimming. I had to count kicks last night and if anything eles happens I am to go straight to the hospital. So far he did enough kicks in an hour to pass the 'kick count' and nothing eles has happened. Thanksfully, 35 weeks is just a touch too early for this little boy to be born!
So will I make it... probably... Will it be painful? Most definately... but I can do this....
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Biggest Loser
This morning I had to wake Kelly and Ethan up. Ethan had his 'Ready, Set Play' class at 9. Gosh that is early. I won't be signing him up for a class that early again.... Who would have thought 9 would be too early with a little guy in the house.
Anyways Kelly came to class with us, the instructor had 'gymnastics' equipment set up for us today, we sang a couple of songs (Kelly sat beside us but I didn't hear him singing). Anyways the kids booted around, had some fun. They have a free gym full of toys on Tuesdays and Thursday so we hung out there for awhile after (which is pretty much exactly the same as the class we paid for)... anyways.....
After class we headed out for groceries. They are currently renovating our Superstore, and let me tell you, it is a diaster! Everything has moved, they have hardly any stock (although I did notice that after searching for Yam five weeks in a row they had abundance of them now). So we filled the fridge and the cupboard for the week.
We came home and had lunch and Ethan was off to sleep for awhile. Kelly and I put together the four chairs we bought last night (and yes I did infact put one together). Then I dragged the bassinet upstairs for Kelly to put together. That thing is so finnicky to put together. I remember when Greg and Kelly tried putting it together last time. It is tricky.
Ethan and I went out for dinner with Kathryn at East Side Mario's tonight. Ethan ate all of his food, and they have the cutest little mini ice cream cones there, they are the perfect 'Ethan' size. Ethan and I went to Canadian Tire after to buy an 'outside' broom. Kelly gave me strict instructions, and apparently it still didn't meet his instruction. Oh well, i'm not taking it back...
When I was giving Ethan a bath tonight he kept bending over and putting his whole face in the water and 'blowing bubbles'. It was really quite cute, When he would come up he would have a whole face of soapy bubbles. At least he isn't afraid of putting his face in the water anymore. He also give really cute kisses now. He makes a kissing noise and then kisses you (a very wet kiss I must admit). After about 7 books it was time for bed.
Tuesday night means BIGGEST Loser. So I sat on the couch with my piece of delicious 'Hot Chocolates' Fudge and watched. I always tape it, two hours is SO long.... anyways I can't wait to work out, it will be different this time because it will be winter, so it will be much harder to get out for runs with Ethan and a newborn. I think I will be doing a lot of running around the track at the tri. I tape Dancing with the Stars last night so I just finished watching that and now i'm watching the elimnation. There is laundry and dishes to do downstairs... I am currently ignoring them.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Duck Day Two, Followed by a busy busy day!
Today was Ethan's second day of 'Duck'. I was up all night with a migraine, the whole thing (you know the puking, no sleep etc). Kelly for some reason didn't want to take him (even though I was still extremely sick this morning). He didn't think he could sing along with the songs (or not that he couldn't he just didn't want to). So not one to miss a class I packed Ethan up and we headed out.
While we were at swimming today was 'Trades Day' at our place. I think about 5 tradesmen came to do some paint touch ups, carpet and cabinet fixing etc. So Kelly was in charge of this, and actaully I am quite happy we weren't here for this as they were all over the house.
So back to 'Duck'. Apparently the pools heather is broken and has been for four days, well the water was freezing. Ethan's teeth were chattering and he was making the 'brrrrr' teeth chattering sound to match. He had a death grip on me and wasn't in to do much of anything except hold onto me. Either way, I'm glad we went, get him used to the water, although he didn't do anything the teacher asked of him today i'm confident that next class will be a success.
After swimming I decided before we went home I needed a Tim Horton's tea. The line up in the drive through was SO long (and all you BC no idoling people, it is way to hard to take Ethan out, hold him and wait in line inside). So I chose to wait in the line. I think it was the tea that helped make my headache go away.... well kind of. Ethan and I had a good afternoon nap then we were off to the airport to pick up Claire.
Got to the airport just in time to not pay for parking, Claire was waiting right outside for us. The plan was to grab dinner then head to Atti and Michelle's house for dinner. We opted for Panago (Easy and Yummy). We ate dinner and all had a little hold of little baby Cohan. We went for a great walk (it was like 28 degrees here today). At least there was a breeze, and Ethan had a good run.
Claire had to be back at the airport at 8:45 so we stopped at Ikea on the way. Our chairs for our tables are falling apart and quite frankly are a hazard to anyone who sits on them. So we bought four new chairs and will throw out the two really crappy old ones. They had lots of cushions for the chairs but they were all really crazy colours (Bright pink, lime green). Didn't really go with our decor... So we will have to keep checking for new colours. Anyways Kelly is downstairs building. I am exhausted to the max, hopefully I will sleep tonight...
31 and a half more days...!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I love Fall, it is so beautiful!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Last night Kelly suddently got violently ill, all the yucky stuff. Anyways this happened in the middle of the night and oh my gosh, what a production. It is a good thing men don't have babies because the world would be running out of people. They just can't deal with the pain. Kelly was up and down, in and out of bed. Lights on, Lights off. Toilets flushing, groans, shivers... You would have thought the world was coming to an end. I will admit that he was infact quite sick. I'm not sure if it was food poisoning or the flu, he was sick all day as well today. I just hope that Ethan and I don't get it. To be sick while Kelly was away would probably be the worst thing ever. Kelly grumbled and groaned all day about how sick he was. I took Ethan out and we got him some medicine and some pop. But now I know, next time I get a migraine to not go quietly and sleep on the couch so my dear husband can sleep. Oh no... I will make the production! haha
Anyways so we lounged around all day, i'm still waiting for Ethan to crack his cold he has had for the last two weeks. He was up all night coughing last night but by today it had stopped and his runny nose seems to have dried up as well. He ate a huge breakfast but the rest of the day he was back to his non-eating habits. In fact for dinner I made pork (he usually loves pork), veggies and rice. Kelly hates it when I cook rice because it is always a big mess. Anyways Ethan seems to have reversed his developement in terms of eating. What a diasaster. Rice EVERYWHERE, food EVERYWHERE. He would only accept food off a spoon, which is great for the mess but terrible for his development and ability to be independant. I'm too sure where to take it from here!
It was SO humid here today, Our whole family had a nap this afternoon for a good three hours (well I dosed in and out of 'Monster-In-Law'). I woke up sweating and when I went to get Ethan he was sitting in a pool of sweat. I didn't expect this, especially after a week of below zero temperatures. Speaking of 'Monster-In-Law', Have you see this movie? I'm a little worried that I'm going to be like that mother.... crazy... I mean I already am a little crazy....
Anyways here is to hoping that we are all back up and running tomorrow and feeling good. Kelly has got some serious painting to do :)
Anyways so we lounged around all day, i'm still waiting for Ethan to crack his cold he has had for the last two weeks. He was up all night coughing last night but by today it had stopped and his runny nose seems to have dried up as well. He ate a huge breakfast but the rest of the day he was back to his non-eating habits. In fact for dinner I made pork (he usually loves pork), veggies and rice. Kelly hates it when I cook rice because it is always a big mess. Anyways Ethan seems to have reversed his developement in terms of eating. What a diasaster. Rice EVERYWHERE, food EVERYWHERE. He would only accept food off a spoon, which is great for the mess but terrible for his development and ability to be independant. I'm too sure where to take it from here!
It was SO humid here today, Our whole family had a nap this afternoon for a good three hours (well I dosed in and out of 'Monster-In-Law'). I woke up sweating and when I went to get Ethan he was sitting in a pool of sweat. I didn't expect this, especially after a week of below zero temperatures. Speaking of 'Monster-In-Law', Have you see this movie? I'm a little worried that I'm going to be like that mother.... crazy... I mean I already am a little crazy....
Anyways here is to hoping that we are all back up and running tomorrow and feeling good. Kelly has got some serious painting to do :)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Crispy Crunch
I must start by saying that I was highly unimpressed with last nights Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice season premieres. To end with such a bang and come out with something so dull was a little dissappointing. Hoping for bigger and better things next week!
Ethan has been sick for the last couple weeks, mostly with just a runny nose but last night he was up (not up with us) but we could hear him coughing away in his room all night. He hasn't really had a good nap for awhile so today I was going to make it a point to make sure he was asleep at one. Both Kelly and Ethan went for haircuts today. They are looking pretty sharp. Ethan didn't cry once during his cut (last time was terrible, i was sweating by the end of it). I guess Dad being there made everything better. We went to Ethan's favorite park for a good play before we came home for lunch. This afternoon Ethan, myself and Kelly all had an awesome nap. Ethan and Kelly slept for three hours and me for probably two. It was magnificant, but for some reason i'm still exhausted.
After everyone woke up we went searching for this highly advertised garage sale. We are looking for a few bigger furniture items and according to kijiji she had tons. Well we drove by and I could tell by looking at the stuff from the car that it wasn't worth it, so we drove on and headed to Safeway to by dinner.
Have you every had a Cripy Crunch chocolate bar? For somereason I hadn't enjoyed one of these chocolate bars until probably a couple months ago, and OH MY GOSH are they ever delicious. We bought a four pack (Don't judge me i'm pregnant). On the way home we decided to eat just one, so I split in half (trying to be secretive so Ethan wouldn't see). Well he caught me so he wanted a bit of my half, I turned around (as far as my belly would allow) in the car and reached back to give him a bite. Before I knew it he had grabbed the entire thing and stuffed it in his mouth. I was SO upset! Kelly had already scarfed down his half, so this is how it is going to be. Me stuck with nothing. So sad. Anyways the plan for the chocoalte bars is to make a crispy crunch, chocolate syrup ice cream sundae. Yes I know you are jealous! I figure I better get all my treats in now, i'm going to be on cut back central after this baby is born!
Dinner was delicious, Ethan is on an eating strike, which is so unlike him. Drives me MENTAL when he throws things on the floor so we just take the food away, but then he doesn't eat. So tonight instead of a burger and homemade yam fries, Ethan decided he would eat just the bun of the burger, one banana and a yogurt. My poor boy is going to get scruvey from lack of vegetables. His little belly will be gone soon if he keeps this up!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
911, What is your Emergency?
Kelly got home last night (after what seemed like the LONGEST day in history). I usually keep Ethan up to see him, but yesterday I was at the end of my very short rope so he was in bed at 6:30.
This morning I woke up early, I put the baby monitor (on the loudest setting) outside our bedroom door and headed downstairs to make pancakes. Some of you may think of me as mean for making Kelly get up on his first day off, but Ethan didn't get up until 8:30 and I was enjoying my first morning 'Off".
So we enjoyed some delicious pancakse, I used the rest of the buttermilk then we thought we would do some chores and the bottles back. While we were getting ready Ethan found the phone and somehow called 911. The phone rang and the operator asked if everything was ok? I was slightly confused, then realized that it was Ethan who had dialed 911 and then talk.... I guess he knows what to do if he was in trouble. I apologized to the lady and she instructed me to inform my son that it was a big deal to call this number. I told her he was ONE, thanks for the tip.
Anywho, off to tow, we stopped at the park after and let Ethan have a run around. Came home for lunch and it was nap time for everyone. Kelly and Ethan fell asleep and I headed off to the doctor. Our little guy is doing very well, head his little heart beat and came home for a nap myself.
Ethan woke up extremely cranky from his nap so we immediately headed out to the park across the street to burn off some energy. I'm trying a new pasta recipe tonight, i'm so tierd of the same old thing. So far it has been very easy, hopefully it was still taste good! SURVIVOR is on tonight. I"ve PVR'd the early edition so we can fast forward through all the comercials!
Well Ethan wants to read a book and is about to have a meltdown...
This morning I woke up early, I put the baby monitor (on the loudest setting) outside our bedroom door and headed downstairs to make pancakes. Some of you may think of me as mean for making Kelly get up on his first day off, but Ethan didn't get up until 8:30 and I was enjoying my first morning 'Off".
So we enjoyed some delicious pancakse, I used the rest of the buttermilk then we thought we would do some chores and the bottles back. While we were getting ready Ethan found the phone and somehow called 911. The phone rang and the operator asked if everything was ok? I was slightly confused, then realized that it was Ethan who had dialed 911 and then talk.... I guess he knows what to do if he was in trouble. I apologized to the lady and she instructed me to inform my son that it was a big deal to call this number. I told her he was ONE, thanks for the tip.
Anywho, off to tow, we stopped at the park after and let Ethan have a run around. Came home for lunch and it was nap time for everyone. Kelly and Ethan fell asleep and I headed off to the doctor. Our little guy is doing very well, head his little heart beat and came home for a nap myself.
Ethan woke up extremely cranky from his nap so we immediately headed out to the park across the street to burn off some energy. I'm trying a new pasta recipe tonight, i'm so tierd of the same old thing. So far it has been very easy, hopefully it was still taste good! SURVIVOR is on tonight. I"ve PVR'd the early edition so we can fast forward through all the comercials!
Well Ethan wants to read a book and is about to have a meltdown...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Quack Quack!
Today was our first day of "Duck" swimming lessons. Last time we were at the pool Ethan was somewhat miserable, so I wasn't sure how today was going to go. Also because 'Duck' is for ages 18 months to 30 months. Ethan turns 18 Months on the 12th of October, so he is the youngest. Once we got there, of course i'm huge and everyone was looking at me... the kids in his class were definately older but seemed to be similar to Ethan. The teacher first asked us to blow bubbles. Well Ethan has never done this before so I thought forsure this was a fail. But he LOVED watching me blow bubbles and after awhile he actaully put his head in the water and blew some bubbles! I was SO impressed! We practices our front floats and back floats. Ethan was a pro and both. THe one thing we need to work on is dunking out head. That is not Ethan's favorite activity. He is very good at jumping into my arms from the side of the pool.
After swimming I rusehd into the family change room to get a private stall with a shower (There are only 3, which is kind of rediculous) anyways I got one, thankfully. It is also so cold in the change rooms so Ethan and I stood under the shower for awhile to warm up. I let Ethan run around the room for awhile while I shampooed etc (of course he had shoes one... crocs to exact, the floors in the bathroom make me a little sick). Once I finished my shower I came out to dress Ethan, well right when I looked at him he was peeing all over the floor. Just another thing to confirm that the floors in the bathrooms are gross.
It is POURING rain out, again forecast calling for snow, doesn't look like that will happen, but the rain has been constant. Makes me feel like i'm on the west coast. Luckily for us, we know that the sun will be just around the corner. It never stops raining on the West Coast :)
We are watching Caleb this afternoon, we have one more night until our Dad comes home, and trust me I can't wait! (yesterday I could have written a four page blog with all my complaints) but I decided to spare you and see how I felt in the morning. MUCH better. Not to mention last night I got to go hold baby Cohan again. Love him!
After swimming I rusehd into the family change room to get a private stall with a shower (There are only 3, which is kind of rediculous) anyways I got one, thankfully. It is also so cold in the change rooms so Ethan and I stood under the shower for awhile to warm up. I let Ethan run around the room for awhile while I shampooed etc (of course he had shoes one... crocs to exact, the floors in the bathroom make me a little sick). Once I finished my shower I came out to dress Ethan, well right when I looked at him he was peeing all over the floor. Just another thing to confirm that the floors in the bathrooms are gross.
It is POURING rain out, again forecast calling for snow, doesn't look like that will happen, but the rain has been constant. Makes me feel like i'm on the west coast. Luckily for us, we know that the sun will be just around the corner. It never stops raining on the West Coast :)
We are watching Caleb this afternoon, we have one more night until our Dad comes home, and trust me I can't wait! (yesterday I could have written a four page blog with all my complaints) but I decided to spare you and see how I felt in the morning. MUCH better. Not to mention last night I got to go hold baby Cohan again. Love him!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Little Baby Cohan
Today was a crazzzzy day. Last night at about 8 I got a call from Michelle saying she thought she was in labour. At about 10 I got a call from Atti saying there were in the hosptial and this was it. (Now secretly, as much as I wanted the baby to come I was hoping he would come when Kelly was home so I could leave Ethan with him). Anyways baby was on his way. I kept the phone by me all night waiting for the call, of course in the mean time we got two calls for a fax.... Anyways at about 7:30 this morning Atti called with the wonderful news that little Cohan was born at 5:30. Visiting hours didn't start until 11 and Michelle was hoping I could come then (seeing as she hadn't slept all night). Unfortunately I didn't have anyone to watch Ethan at that time so ethan and I continued with our morning activity and I would go in later.
Our morning activity.... the last SWAP meet of the year, two arenas full of wonderful kids stuff and Kelly generous left me lots of Mula. The only thing different this time was that Ethan was going to have to come with me. Ahhhh but I had a plan. I got him out of bed and dressed and we headed straight out the door (at about 8:15). The plan was to feed him breakfast in line. I had signed him up for childcare from 10-12 so I could do some seroius shopping. Ethan was so good, he ate breakfast and was really good for the next hour sitting and listening to us chat.
I took him to the childcare around 9:45 (getting the most value for the money). I left him there, there were two other kids around his age in there. I peeked in the window and he was having fun. At around 1047 (ten minutes before the meet starts) I see a lady and my son walking towards me. She said he had been screaming since i left... So i said 'Alright i'll go get my stroller'. but she said that kids cry all the time the entire time and I could leave him with them. And maybe this was mean of me but I sent him back. I mean I paid for the two hours and he has to get used to not being with me all the time (He is in a very attached stage right now). So back he went... I'm sure he was even worse this time because now he had seen me... silly move on their part. Anyways Virginia said she stopped in and checked on him on her way out, so that was nice. Once I had finished my shopping I went and scooped up my little man. He was still crying but extremely happy to see me.
We didn't have time to go home, I took Ethan straight to Maureen's house cause I was off to the hopsital (I didn't think it would be fun to take Ethan...who was sick... and likes to wander to the hospital). Thankfully Maureen said he went right to sleep... he wasn't happy to see me leave him again.
The traffic was Awful, it took much so long to get there. I was so happy to see Michelle was awake and had little COhan in her arms when I got there. Atti had gone home to try to get some sleep. I got to hold the little guy. My gosh I had already forgotten how small they are. He is so incredibly adorable. Michelle was doing great, she looked exhasuted but SO beautiful and happy. I spent about an hour and a half there then had to head back to get Ethan.
Picked up Ethan and again, off to the next event "Stamp it Up' party at Virginia's. It was really neat, the host taught us to make a card, I didn't know I could do it! It turned out great. I guess that is what happens when someone does all the cutting and brings all the supplies for you!
Pizza for dinner, put Ethan to sleep and Virginia and I watched "Letters to Juliet"... Don't have too too much to say about that movie :) We just got home, about 10:30 so it was a very long day for us. I'm hoping tomorrow that we can do a little bit of relaxing, Perhaps Ethan and I will take a nap. I can hear Ethan coughing in his room. Poor guy, teething and has a cold. I wish he would sleep by me in my bed, but no, he would never sleep. I just want to cuddle him!!
Our morning activity.... the last SWAP meet of the year, two arenas full of wonderful kids stuff and Kelly generous left me lots of Mula. The only thing different this time was that Ethan was going to have to come with me. Ahhhh but I had a plan. I got him out of bed and dressed and we headed straight out the door (at about 8:15). The plan was to feed him breakfast in line. I had signed him up for childcare from 10-12 so I could do some seroius shopping. Ethan was so good, he ate breakfast and was really good for the next hour sitting and listening to us chat.
I took him to the childcare around 9:45 (getting the most value for the money). I left him there, there were two other kids around his age in there. I peeked in the window and he was having fun. At around 1047 (ten minutes before the meet starts) I see a lady and my son walking towards me. She said he had been screaming since i left... So i said 'Alright i'll go get my stroller'. but she said that kids cry all the time the entire time and I could leave him with them. And maybe this was mean of me but I sent him back. I mean I paid for the two hours and he has to get used to not being with me all the time (He is in a very attached stage right now). So back he went... I'm sure he was even worse this time because now he had seen me... silly move on their part. Anyways Virginia said she stopped in and checked on him on her way out, so that was nice. Once I had finished my shopping I went and scooped up my little man. He was still crying but extremely happy to see me.
We didn't have time to go home, I took Ethan straight to Maureen's house cause I was off to the hopsital (I didn't think it would be fun to take Ethan...who was sick... and likes to wander to the hospital). Thankfully Maureen said he went right to sleep... he wasn't happy to see me leave him again.
The traffic was Awful, it took much so long to get there. I was so happy to see Michelle was awake and had little COhan in her arms when I got there. Atti had gone home to try to get some sleep. I got to hold the little guy. My gosh I had already forgotten how small they are. He is so incredibly adorable. Michelle was doing great, she looked exhasuted but SO beautiful and happy. I spent about an hour and a half there then had to head back to get Ethan.
Picked up Ethan and again, off to the next event "Stamp it Up' party at Virginia's. It was really neat, the host taught us to make a card, I didn't know I could do it! It turned out great. I guess that is what happens when someone does all the cutting and brings all the supplies for you!
Pizza for dinner, put Ethan to sleep and Virginia and I watched "Letters to Juliet"... Don't have too too much to say about that movie :) We just got home, about 10:30 so it was a very long day for us. I'm hoping tomorrow that we can do a little bit of relaxing, Perhaps Ethan and I will take a nap. I can hear Ethan coughing in his room. Poor guy, teething and has a cold. I wish he would sleep by me in my bed, but no, he would never sleep. I just want to cuddle him!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ethan takes on the Edmonton Corn Maze
Caleb and Ethan playing in the hay!
In the middle of the Corn Maze, starting to lose it....
Caleb and Ethan finish the Corn Maze!
Ethan and I had a wonderful day today. Caleb came over this morning, while Virginia headed into work for awhile. The kids played for a good hour until Brydie, Sabriel, Adam and Julie came over for a good playdate. The kids played great together! We had lunch and I put Ethan into his crib. Caleb didn't feel like sleeping so him and I tried to keep quiet downstairs until Virginia arrived.
Ethan didn't sleep for too long, but long enough for me to vaccuum half of the basmet, the vaccuum is still down there (and probably will stay down there until Kelly gets home), but it was
We had plans to meet Virginia, Richard and Caleb at the Corn Maze at 6. We got there and played around until they got there. Ethan LOVED the animals. Kept calling the donkey a dog, but there were signs with Cows and Sheep on them and Ethan kept Mooooooing and BAAAAAAing. Smart boy! So thankful we got there when we did. By the time we made it out (we only did half) there were BUS loads (Seriously) of people waiting in this HUGE line to go in. And I say bus loads of people I mean bus loads of teenages (Barf). We saw (and smelt) a few of them in the maze. A few girls looked at Ethan and Caleb and said "Aww those little guys make me want to have kids". SERIOUSLY girl you are 15.... kind of scary. Then a group of young boys walked by, could have smelt them a mile away. SO much cologne. I am also not so sure about the way fashion is going these days.....
I chose to not bring the stroller through the maze, SO Ethan walked the entire time. he did PRETTY well... LOVED the mud and was pooped by the end. I was also sweating and very glad that we were only doing the first half and not the entire thing. After we struggled through the maze the boys were very intrigued with these little self propelled little cars they had. There was one broken one we put the boys on just for fun. SO many young punks came up to ask us if we were using it. "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE"? Of ocurse we are using it. The kidsa re sitting on the darn thing.... plus is it broken.....
Ethan is already asleep. I'm predicting a really good sleep after such great and busy day!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Where has the time gone?
I just went through some old photos on facebook and came across this picture. Kelly, Ethan and I went on this same hike on Sunday, I can't believe that this picture was taken at the same place an entire year ago. Time is going by so quickly. Our little guy is growing up so quickly! I just love this picture, Ethan's little smile, he is so happy and his proud daddy. In only a month and a half we will have TWO. That's right, TWO little guys. This year has been a complete whirlwind and i'm so grateful for everything I have in my life.
Ethan's first Halloween, Ethan's first Christmas, trip to Courtenay, Kelly and I got married, we built a HOUSE, we found out we are expecting another baby! And I thought 2009 was a big year.
Today we had a wonderful morning filled with lots of great friends followed by a nap.... oh wait Ethan only slept for 1/2 AGAIN. But it is ok, today he was in good spirits. We were supposed to head out to the Corn Maze this evening, but had rained all day and I really didn't want to get muddy (well not me, Ethan). That and the fact that I don't have a jacket. Hopefully we can re-schedule for a sunny day.
I just finished watching the Season Premiere of SURVIVOR. I haven't picked a favorite yet I don't think. But i'm happy that all the good shows seem to be back. I hardly watched TV at all this summer. I just watched Usher on America's Got Talet. Love that guy! Music is just so catchy!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Ready, Set, Play!
Today was Ethan's first day at 'Ready, Set, Play'. It started at 9:00 am (which I think I regret signing up for such an early program). But I guess it is good to get up and out of the house early. When we got there a few other little guys were there. The class is for toddlers aged 16-30 months. We were in the gym and there were lots of toys, slides and hula hoops set up. Of course there were about 20 balls all around, so Ethan was in heaven. As soon as he saw all the balls he immediately started running towards them screaming "Ball Ball Ball" and pointing at them. So far things are going well. Then the instructor asks us to sit around the middle circle. Ethan sat and sang a few songs very well, then it was back to free play. The next sitting session didn't go as well. Ethan didn't want to sit in the circle, so I just let him run around, finally I said "sit" so he say about 20 feet away from the rest of group. He was very shy, which is quite uncharacteristic of Ethan. This makes me happy that I signed up for these programs, get up and out with oither kids. Hopefully he will feel more comfortable next week! Although I must say when she turned the dancing music on Ethan was very excited to start dancing.
We went and got our car appraised today (oh yes I may have forgotten to mention before that I drove over a large wood stake and ruined the bumper of the car). Anyways, they said it would be about $2100. So that seemed a little steep for Kelly, so while Ethan I napped he came up with some sort of shoelace contraption to keep the bumper from rubbing on the tire.
Now back to Ethan's nap. I was exhausted, and I thought Ethan would be darn tierd after being up early and out to play. So he went to bed at 12:15. Fell right asleep. Thought this was a good sign so I layed down on the couch and fell right asleep. 12:45, I hear "mom, mom, mom" from the bedroom. I decided to ignore him in hopes he would fall back to sleep. Then the 'mom's' turned into screams. I guess I have to get up. Is that all i'm going to get today for a nap? Yes, that was it. BRUTAL.
Ethan and I went grocery shopping this afternoon, had dinner, gave Ethan a bath then it was bed. I felt bad putting Ethan to sleep so early so he stayed up for half an hour and played for awhile. When he did go to bed he fell asleep instantly.
Tonight I watched the final four acts compete in America's Got Talet. Now i'm watching a new show on TLC about a lady who has sextuplets that are 21 months old. I look at her life and can't quite figure out how she doesn't go crazy. I think one is tough, Oh my gosh he house is outta control. She seems to have things under control. She make a point on going to the gym everyday for an hour and she puts all the babies in their cribs at 1 everyday. She said sometimes the sleep and sometimes they don't but either way they are in there for an hour. I must say I'm not sure i could do it.....
She just gave a tip to mom's. She said she goes into the bathroom and cries 10 times a day, washes her face and comes back to it. Phew, ok that makes me feel better.
We went and got our car appraised today (oh yes I may have forgotten to mention before that I drove over a large wood stake and ruined the bumper of the car). Anyways, they said it would be about $2100. So that seemed a little steep for Kelly, so while Ethan I napped he came up with some sort of shoelace contraption to keep the bumper from rubbing on the tire.
Now back to Ethan's nap. I was exhausted, and I thought Ethan would be darn tierd after being up early and out to play. So he went to bed at 12:15. Fell right asleep. Thought this was a good sign so I layed down on the couch and fell right asleep. 12:45, I hear "mom, mom, mom" from the bedroom. I decided to ignore him in hopes he would fall back to sleep. Then the 'mom's' turned into screams. I guess I have to get up. Is that all i'm going to get today for a nap? Yes, that was it. BRUTAL.
Ethan and I went grocery shopping this afternoon, had dinner, gave Ethan a bath then it was bed. I felt bad putting Ethan to sleep so early so he stayed up for half an hour and played for awhile. When he did go to bed he fell asleep instantly.
Tonight I watched the final four acts compete in America's Got Talet. Now i'm watching a new show on TLC about a lady who has sextuplets that are 21 months old. I look at her life and can't quite figure out how she doesn't go crazy. I think one is tough, Oh my gosh he house is outta control. She seems to have things under control. She make a point on going to the gym everyday for an hour and she puts all the babies in their cribs at 1 everyday. She said sometimes the sleep and sometimes they don't but either way they are in there for an hour. I must say I'm not sure i could do it.....
She just gave a tip to mom's. She said she goes into the bathroom and cries 10 times a day, washes her face and comes back to it. Phew, ok that makes me feel better.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Ethan's Blue New Room
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Day in Pictures
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