Saturday, September 4, 2010

And the Couch Saga Continues....

Let me start with my extremely early morning wake up call. If I haven't complained to you before about this let me explain it to you. The phone number we were given was used for a fax machine before, we get calls ALL day that are just BEEP BEEP, people trying to fax us. I've been in touch with Telus and they have given me a way to block numbers that are trying to fax us (the other option was to change our number after giving it out to everyone). SO i've been trying to block all the numbers that call us, the only problem is that one of the numbers (of course the one that calls most often) is a Telus number, someone try to send a collect fax? I can't delete that one. Telus said they were looking into it. In the mean time two nights ago that number called at 4:43 in the morning and last night the same number called at 3:30. Wakes me out of a dead sleep, BRUTAL.
Anyways so I finally put myself back to sleep, then the white ball of fluffy fur comes slinking in at 5:30 or 6 and pretty much WON'T stop meowing until I get up and feed him. I was ready this morning, I knew he would come (and he doesn't meow when Kelly is around). I had 6 pillows ready to throw at the cat, well I went through them all, scared him for awhile, managed to hold his desperate meows off until 7. Then, time to get up. once i'm up I can't go back to sleep.
Ethan woke up and had breakfast around 8, today we have nothing planned expect that our new couch from Ikea is being delivered. We paid for the delivery this time and the lady at Ikea said it would be sometime between 9am and 6pm that the couch would be delievered. She said I could call in the morning and get a more precise time so I didn't have to wait around all day.
I called this morning and talked to the "Customer Service Representitive". She gave me the moving company's number. I tried calling the number and clearly woke a poor lady up on the first day of the long week. WRONG FREAKING NUMBER. SO I called back and got a very rude male "Customer Service Representitive". He told me he could not give me that information, so I said "Well who can". He put me on hold for a mintue and came back on and said. "I"m sorry we cannot provide you with that information". So I said "So I pretty much have to sit around all day and wait for my couches and they may not come until 6 tonight". His reply "Yes Maam". Hung up on him.
So Ethan and I will spend another day in the house, just waiting and hoping that they show up earlier than later. But let me tell you, I will be inspecting that couch down to every stitch, if there is even but one knick on the wall, the "Customer Service Representitves" will be getting an ear full from me!.
(My other worry is that they will just delivery it to like the front hall and not move it upstairs for me... do you think that will happen?)

1 comment:

  1. Aw what a crappy morning! On Wednesday night some number from Ontario called and I was so flustered because only bad things come from phonecalls that early in the morning.... my heart rate was racing a mile a minute! The delivery boys will put it up stairs, maybe have some lemonade ready to coherce.... yess... or some five cent-ers.
    Love ya Q!
