Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ready, Set, Play!

Today was Ethan's first day at 'Ready, Set, Play'. It started at 9:00 am (which I think I regret signing up for such an early program). But I guess it is good to get up and out of the house early. When we got there a few other little guys were there. The class is for toddlers aged 16-30 months. We were in the gym and there were lots of toys, slides and hula hoops set up. Of course there were about 20 balls all around, so Ethan was in heaven. As soon as he saw all the balls he immediately started running towards them screaming "Ball Ball Ball" and pointing at them. So far things are going well. Then the instructor asks us to sit around the middle circle. Ethan sat and sang a few songs very well, then it was back to free play. The next sitting session didn't go as well. Ethan didn't want to sit in the circle, so I just let him run around, finally I said "sit" so he say about 20 feet away from the rest of group. He was very shy, which is quite uncharacteristic of Ethan. This makes me happy that I signed up for these programs, get up and out with oither kids. Hopefully he will feel more comfortable next week! Although I must say when she turned the dancing music on Ethan was very excited to start dancing.
We went and got our car appraised today (oh yes I may have forgotten to mention before that I drove over a large wood stake and ruined the bumper of the car). Anyways, they said it would be about $2100. So that seemed a little steep for Kelly, so while Ethan I napped he came up with some sort of shoelace contraption to keep the bumper from rubbing on the tire.
Now back to Ethan's nap. I was exhausted, and I thought Ethan would be darn tierd after being up early and out to play. So he went to bed at 12:15. Fell right asleep. Thought this was a good sign so I layed down on the couch and fell right asleep. 12:45, I hear "mom, mom, mom" from the bedroom. I decided to ignore him in hopes he would fall back to sleep. Then the 'mom's' turned into screams. I guess I have to get up. Is that all i'm going to get today for a nap? Yes, that was it. BRUTAL.
Ethan and I went grocery shopping this afternoon, had dinner, gave Ethan a bath then it was bed. I felt bad putting Ethan to sleep so early so he stayed up for half an hour and played for awhile. When he did go to bed he fell asleep instantly.
Tonight I watched the final four acts compete in America's Got Talet. Now i'm watching a new show on TLC about a lady who has sextuplets that are 21 months old. I look at her life and can't quite figure out how she doesn't go crazy. I think one is tough, Oh my gosh he house is outta control. She seems to have things under control. She make a point on going to the gym everyday for an hour and she puts all the babies in their cribs at 1 everyday. She said sometimes the sleep and sometimes they don't but either way they are in there for an hour. I must say I'm not sure i could do it.....

She just gave a tip to mom's. She said she goes into the bathroom and cries 10 times a day, washes her face and comes back to it. Phew, ok that makes me feel better.

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