Friday, September 3, 2010

The Name Game

Why is it so hard for us to find a name for our baby? It seemed so easy last time, we tried a few names out during the first few months of pregnancy, then my sister suggested Ethan and it just kind of stuck. We were calling Ethan, 'Ethan', from about my fifth month of pregnancy on. This time nothing seems perfect. Kelly and I have a few names in our minds, of course I like plenty of names, Kelly is a little more picky. We have one we both agree but it just doesn't seem like "THE" name. And of course the middle name seems to be an even bigger deal. Oh i just can't decide what to do! At least the last name is easy....although I am still considered putting Quilter in there, i'm just not ready to let that awesome name die.
Anyways in other news, today I surprisingly have nothing to complain or rant about. Perhaps it was because I didn't leave the house too much and Ethan was actaully a well-behaved little child today! I do have one confession, which totally goes against my "Operation Spend Less". I went online in search of a gift for my dad's birthday. I chose a gift, but the website I was one obviously knew me to well, and kept prompting me to spend $39 dollars to receive free shipping, of course I fell into their trap and found a few great things to push my total over the $39 mark. Mission accomplished I think. Gift for my dad, a few things for me AND free shipping. SUCCESS!
Michelle came over for a visit today, we made lunch and after lunch what did two very pregnant people do? Yes that is right we had a nap... we didn't visit, we just slept, and I must say, it was a glorious nap. Ethan was sleeping and we were both exhausted so we took the quiet time and used it to our advantage. LOVE middle of the day naps.... might make it a daily thing.
I rented "The Back Up Plan" (again stearing a little off course with the spending). It was definately a chick flick, kind of ridiculous, but I liked it!
I'm working on a 'construction' themed room for the new baby. So far I have only the bedding and I bought two cute decorative dump trucks, I'm hoping we can paint both the boys rooms on Kelly's next days off, the brown just seems so dull. I need some other inspriation for the room though. Any suggestions?

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