The cat woke me up this morning, after a not-so-great sleep. Kelly and I get so used to sleeping by ourselves, I have a pillow system, and he takes up the whole bed and all the blankets. Anyways, I made butter milk pancakes (that is 1 and 3/4 cups of butter milk gone). I loved them, they were quite delicious!
I had a doctors appointment this morning so Kelly was in charge of the boy. We had a 2 month review scheduled for 10 am, Kelly didn't like the fact that I wasn't taking the baby to the doctors with me. How EVER was he going to make it throught he walk-through with Ethan? ha ha.... Anyways he made it. I took my time at the doctors, went and bought some stamps after.
We needed groceries in the worst way so we packed up and headed off. Ethan was not too enthusiastic in the grocery store, but he remembered that the lady in the bakery would give him a cookie so that quieted him down, for a little while. One thing I love about this age, Ethan thought it was SO funny when I took a bite out of his cookie. I don't think it will be too long before sharing his cookie with his mom will be a thing of the past.
I gave Ethan rice for lunch, I sat the furthest away from him and put Kelly right beside him. Ethan made the biggest mess, Kelly was just shaking his head, and I couldn't help but snicker to myself. Ah ha, now he can have a taste of my everyday routine.
We put Ethan down for a nap, Kelly decided he was going to attempt to move the couch upstairs on his own. Well this was hilarious to watch, he had a good sliding system and he actaully did it. I hung out downstairs for awhile while he unpackaged it, when I got upstairs Kelly informed me that our FIFTH couch was broken (this one was from a different place). I told him 'who cares'. it was a spring that had come undone, Kelly managed to semi-repair it, but we weren't really interested in starting the entire couch saga again. So couch set up. Liking it!
We had burritos for dinner, I put the meat, veggies and rice again for Ethan, and again stayed far away from, he made a huge mess, speading rice all of the floor, we had crisp for dessert, all over him. Kelly decided we would head straight for the bath. Well he got him in the bath and was taking his diaper off. Poop! haha, Oh it has just been quite funny.
Tnoight hopefully Kelly and I can sit and enjoy our new couch and rent a movie.
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