Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Countdown is on....

Not including today I have just 29 days (or less) left of being pregnant.... Am I going to make it? I'm not quite sure.
My hands have doubled in size, they are SO swollen I can hardly make a fist. My feet, same story, MASSIVE and because they are so swollen they are extremely, outta control itchy.
Thankfully the weather is gorgeous because I have only one pair of pants (which I wear daily). I have a few select shirts that actaully go over my torpedo, but i'm hesitant to purchase more, seems like a waste of money. I'm not sure where my belly will go in the next month. It seems to be fairly large and incharge.
My hands go numb when I sleep, the doctor says carpal tunnel. Fairly brutal, they are now even going numb during the day.
I can hardly get myself off of the couch, out of bed or move much at all. Going up the stairs or even for the smallest walk takes my breath away, I can hardly breath.
I go to the washroom at least 4 times an hour 24 hours a day. I am ALWAYS HOT, sweating all the time, but then freezing cold in the morning.
I'm not sure how much weight I've gained (but I know it is alot)... I choose to stand backwards on the scale at the doctors so I don't need to see the devastaion. The doctor has told me to do my best to avoid further weight gain. Thanks for the tip. I'll just head out for a run.... yah good one.
We had a small scare the other day. (To leave out too many details) I thought my water had broekn. I did what I always do for answers, went to the good people of google. They suggested I hang out an just wait and see what eles happened. Well nothing eles happened, no labour or other signs. So I continued on, had a shower, went swimming the next day. Then I realized that the baby hadn't moved much since the incident. So I made an appointment. Went in, they seemed a little perturbed that I didn't come in right away. They checked for amniotic fluid but said it could be skewed because I had a shower and went swimming. I had to count kicks last night and if anything eles happens I am to go straight to the hospital. So far he did enough kicks in an hour to pass the 'kick count' and nothing eles has happened. Thanksfully, 35 weeks is just a touch too early for this little boy to be born!

So will I make it... probably... Will it be painful? Most definately... but I can do this....

1 comment:

  1. You definitly can do this. Again ;) You're almost there. xoxo
