Saturday, September 25, 2010

Last night Kelly suddently got violently ill, all the yucky stuff. Anyways this happened in the middle of the night and oh my gosh, what a production. It is a good thing men don't have babies because the world would be running out of people. They just can't deal with the pain. Kelly was up and down, in and out of bed. Lights on, Lights off. Toilets flushing, groans, shivers... You would have thought the world was coming to an end. I will admit that he was infact quite sick. I'm not sure if it was food poisoning or the flu, he was sick all day as well today. I just hope that Ethan and I don't get it. To be sick while Kelly was away would probably be the worst thing ever. Kelly grumbled and groaned all day about how sick he was. I took Ethan out and we got him some medicine and some pop. But now I know, next time I get a migraine to not go quietly and sleep on the couch so my dear husband can sleep. Oh no... I will make the production! haha

Anyways so we lounged around all day, i'm still waiting for Ethan to crack his cold he has had for the last two weeks. He was up all night coughing last night but by today it had stopped and his runny nose seems to have dried up as well. He ate a huge breakfast but the rest of the day he was back to his non-eating habits. In fact for dinner I made pork (he usually loves pork), veggies and rice. Kelly hates it when I cook rice because it is always a big mess. Anyways Ethan seems to have reversed his developement in terms of eating. What a diasaster. Rice EVERYWHERE, food EVERYWHERE. He would only accept food off a spoon, which is great for the mess but terrible for his development and ability to be independant. I'm too sure where to take it from here!

It was SO humid here today, Our whole family had a nap this afternoon for a good three hours (well I dosed in and out of 'Monster-In-Law'). I woke up sweating and when I went to get Ethan he was sitting in a pool of sweat. I didn't expect this, especially after a week of below zero temperatures. Speaking of 'Monster-In-Law', Have you see this movie? I'm a little worried that I'm going to be like that mother.... crazy... I mean I already am a little crazy....

Anyways here is to hoping that we are all back up and running tomorrow and feeling good. Kelly has got some serious painting to do :)

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