Monday, September 6, 2010

Bright and Early

I didn't go to sleep until 2 last night, not sure if I was just freaked out (there were loud and annoying people outside) or if I just was addicted to the shows on the food network. Anyways I heard Ethan playing in his crib at 7.... I pulled myself out of bed, but he had stopped making noise so he had gone back to back, so I went downstairs and started cleaning. Ethan was back up at 7:20. So super early. We had planned to go swimming at 10:30 but I knew that it would be way to hard to entertain Ethan for another three hours. So we had breakfast, got dressed and went to the park by the pool. We played there for half and hour then went to the pool early.
Ethan wasn't too sure about the pool, he was shivering and clutching onto me. It took him a good half an hour before we started feeling comfortable.... still never got really into it like Caleb and Nolan did. Ethan just stuck to me and he had a ball to hold onto, which made him happy.
After swimming we headed home for lunch. I cooked Ethan a delicious lunch, not interested at all. I always get frusterated when I actually take the time to make something other than a peanut butter sandwich and he doesn't eat it. Anyways nap time.
We both slept for two hours, it was so wonderful.... of course I got nothing done again but I needed the sleep. We went and met our friend at Tim Hortons for tea and went for a walk. Mostly chasing Ethan but a walk none-the-less.
Right now i'm putting painters tape on every little flaw in our house, we have our two month check on Wednesday. I'm not sure how picky I should be but i've been on my hands and knees. I'm not missing anything.
Tonight is my TV night. Bachelor Pad and haha Dating in the Dark. My night of drama. Possibly may go get a slurpee for the occasion.... maybe....
Ok time for dinner!

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